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MINERAL. Bahan Baku Pakan Ikan:Pemerintah telah menetapkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Formulasi pakan berdasarkan kandungan analisa proximat, Ca,

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2 Bahan Baku Pakan Ikan:Pemerintah telah menetapkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Formulasi pakan berdasarkan kandungan analisa proximat, Ca, P, ME, Asam amino essential dan juga Digestible asam amino Sumber Sumber bahan baku harus harus bebas B3 B3 serta kandungan kandungan antibiotik, antibiotik, melamin, melamin, dan kandungan kandungan bahan bahan lainnya lainnya yang beracun dan berbahaya

3 BAHAN BAKU PAKAN Sumber Protein Sumber Protein Sumber Lemak Sumber Lemak Sumber Karbohidrat Sumber Karbohidrat Filler Filler Binder Binder Vitamin dan mineral mix Vitamin dan mineral mix Bahan additif lainnya Bahan additif lainnya

4 P(%)Ca(%)Air(%) Serat Kasar (%) Lemak Kasar (%) Protein Kasar (%) Energi Metabolisme (kkal/kg)BahanMakanan Sumber Energi 0,260,0212,62,53,89,03.420 Jagung Kuning 0,310,0311,32,32,810,73.320Sorghum 0,400,039,91,04,08,93.390Menir 0,260,049,810,01,77,52.670Padi 0,010,019,70,90,20,73.510Sagu 0,060,088,80,90,71,53.300Gaplek 1,130,0710,18,27,910,21.950 Dedak padi 1,150,1010,011,03,011,81.250 Dedak gandum 0,790,0410,48,06,110,91.820 Dedak jagung 0,080,8021,70,00,03,01.950Molase Sumber Protein nabati 0,620,2011,012,06,720,51.760 Bungkil kelapa 0,600,2010,16,53,541,72.200 Bungkil kedelai 0,540,169,77,66,040,22.370 Bungkil Kc. tanah 0,580,2311,55,717,937,02.420Kedelai 1,700,2010,45,51,124,22.600 Kacang hijau 0,321,608,122,41,931,71.550 Tpg daun turi 0,391,497,920,12,423,21.600 Tepung daun lamtoro Sumber Protein hewani 2,905,3710,71,04,253,92.420 Tepung ikan 0,200,289,11,01,680,12.240 Tepung darah 4,106,1010,92,88,650,01.910 Tepung daging

5 KRITERIA PAKAN : Kebutuhan & Keseimbangan Nut. Efisien : Harga per kg ikan Limbah : Feses, N dan P NUTRIENBAHANJUMLAHSUBSTITUSI Sumber Protein t. ikan, b.kedelai 20-40% Silase, keong, dll Sumber KH t. terigu, jagung 10-40% Dedak,pollard, dll Sumber Lemak m.ikan, m sawit 5-10% Minyak kelapa, dlll Vit. & Mineral Vit. Mix, Min.mix 3-7% Tetamin, dll BinderCMC2-3% Terigu, sagu, dll Bahan Aditif Atraktan, BHT,BHA 1-5% Minyak cumi, dll FORMULA UMUM PAKAN IKAN

6 FISH /SHRIMP FEED COMPOSITION (%) Inclusion Rate Corn 5 - 10 Soybean Meal (SBM) 20 - 30 Corn Gluten Meal (CGM) 5 Fish Meal (FM) 15 - 20 Meat & Bone Meal (MBM) 5 - 8 (fish feed) Poultry Meal < 10 (fish) / < 5 (shrimp) DDGS < 5 (fish) / < 2 (shrimp) Feather Meal 1 - 2 (fish) Soy Lecithin 1 - 2 (shrimp) Fish Oil 2 Crude Palm Oil (CPO) 5 Rice Bran 15 - 20 Premix 1 - 2

7 EVALUASI IMPOR BAHAN BAKU PAKAN IKAN & UDANG TAHUN 2007 BERDASARKAN SKT Source: Direktur Produksi DJPB DKP No. Jenis Bahan Jumlah (Ton) % Nilai (USD) % 1. Wheat Flour/Gluten 74.864,48240,4021.337.853,1031,26 2. Soyabean Meal/Lecithin 35.182,94518,9912.140.661,9613,44 3.Fishmeal/Crustaceanmeal28.763,06515,5228.229.801,2231,26 4.Squidmeal20.186,41010,8914.152.291,9015,67 5.Filler7.086,6253,822.010.945,182,23 6. Vitamin/mineral 5.208,8702,814.117.360,814,56 7.Oil1.444,2470,781.162.776,721,29 8. Shrimp/Fish Feed 2.571,4751,391.777.915,401,97 9.Lain-lain10.004,8045,405.388.529,835,97

8 Impor Bahan Baku Pakan Januari – September 2008 Sources: Direktur Produksi DJPB DKP No. Jenis Bahan Jumlah (MT) % Nilai (US $) % 1 Wheat Gluten/Flour 55.594,75035,7928.579.674,2026,68 2Soybean/Lecithin28.405,44818,2915.127.041,3514,12 3Fishmeal/Crustaceanmeal34.851,48322,4435.599.142,8733,24 4Squidmeal16.516,10110,6313.472.094,5012,58 5 Vitamin/mineral 5.100,2843,284.951.550,674,62 6Yeast5.535,6943,563.285.912,483,07 7 Fish/Squid Oil 1.540,6200,992.129.900,741,99 8Filler2.676,6501,721.247.464,991,16 9 Shrimp Feed/Fish Feed 645,9200,42422.263,810,39 10Lain-lain4.451,5562,872.285.766,002,13 T o t a l 155.318,506100,00107.100.811,61100,00

9 Mineral elements have a great diversity of uses within the animal body. The following mineral elements are recognized as essential for body functions in fish: Calcium Phosphorus Sodium Molybdenum Chlorine Magnesium Iron selenium Iodine Manganese Copper Cobalt Zinc To these may be added fluorine and chromium which have also been shown to be essential for land animals

10 The prominence of each mineral element in body tissues is closely related to its functional role : As constituents of bones and teeth, minerals provide strength and rigidity to skeletal structures In their ionic states in body fluids they are indispensable for the maintenance of acid-base equilibrium and osmotic relationship with the aquatic environment, and for integration activities involving the nervous and endocrine systems As components of blood pigments, enzymes and organic compounds in tissues and organs they are indispensable for essential metabolic processes involving gas exchange and energy transactions.

11 CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS Calcium and phosphorus are usually discussed together because they occur in the body combined with each other for the most part and because an inadequate supply of either limits the nutritive value of both. Almost the entire store of calcium (99 percent) and most of the phosphorus (80 percent) in the fish's body are present in bones, teeth and scales. There appears to be little variation in the composition of bone ash even though bone ash will decrease as a result of dietary deficiency in either calcium or phosphorus. This composition consists of calcium and phosphorus in the ratio of approximately 2:1. The one percent extra-skeletal calcium is widely distributed throughout the organs and tissues. Calcium in body fluids exists in two distinguishable forms, diffusable and non-diffusible. Non-diffusible calcium is bound to protein whereas the diffusible fraction is present largely as phosphate and bicarbonate compounds. It is this diffusible fraction that is of significance in calcium and phosphorus nutrition. Ionized calcium in the extracellular fluids and in the circulatory system participate importantly in muscle activity and osmoregulation.

12 Large amounts of extra-skeletal phosphorus are present mostly in combinations with proteins, lipids, sugars, nucleic acids and other organic compounds. These phosphocompounds are vital exchange currencies in life processes and are distributed throughout the organs and tissues of the fish. The skin, like the skeleton, also appears to be an important repository for dietary phosphorus in some species Although their natural diets are rich in calcium, most fish are also capable of extracting dissolved calcium directly from their aquatic environment through the gills. After a 24-hour acclimatization period, channel catfish have been shown to efficiently extract calcium from rearing water containing 5 ppm of the mineral element. On the other hand, gill extraction of phosphorus is negligible and fish rely mainly upon dietary sources for this mineral element. Phosphorus present in plant phytate is poorly absorbed by fish. Absorption of dietary calcium and phosphorus begins in the upper gastro-intestinal tract. Absorbed calcium is rapidly deposited as calcium salts in the skeleton but absorbed phosphorus is distributed to all the major tissues: viscera, skeleton, skin and muscle. Phosphorus absorption is enhanced by increasing water temperature and by the presence of glucose in the diet. Its recovery from tissues also increases with increasing dietary levels of the element. On the other hand, increasing dietary calcium is not accompanied by correspondingly higher retention of the mineral element in the tissues.

13 Feed ingredients vary widely in their calcium and phosphorus content: Fish meal, a principal ingredient in fish feeds, is rich in both calcium and phosphorus Fish meal, a principal ingredient in fish feeds, is rich in both calcium and phosphorus On the other hand, feed ingredients of plant origin usually lack calcium and, despite a fairly high content of phosphorus the latter is predominantly in the form of phytin or phytic acid which is not readily available for absorption by fish On the other hand, feed ingredients of plant origin usually lack calcium and, despite a fairly high content of phosphorus the latter is predominantly in the form of phytin or phytic acid which is not readily available for absorption by fish Animal sources of calcium and phosphorus are generally better absorbed, although the stomachless carp cannot utilize bone phosphate present in fish meal as well as fish with functional stomachs Animal sources of calcium and phosphorus are generally better absorbed, although the stomachless carp cannot utilize bone phosphate present in fish meal as well as fish with functional stomachs

14 Dicalcium phosphate has the highest availability (80 percent) Dicalcium phosphate has the highest availability (80 percent) Phosphorus availability of common feedstuffs varies from 33 percent for grains to 50 percent for fish meal and animal by-products. Soybean meal has an intermediate phosphorus availability of 40 percent. Phosphorus availability of common feedstuffs varies from 33 percent for grains to 50 percent for fish meal and animal by-products. Soybean meal has an intermediate phosphorus availability of 40 percent.

15 MAGNESIUM The bulk of magnesium in fish (60 percent in the carp) is stored in the skeleton The bulk of magnesium in fish (60 percent in the carp) is stored in the skeleton Magnesium constitutes a little over 0.6 percent of the ash content of bones compared with 30 percent calcium and 15 percent phosphorus Magnesium constitutes a little over 0.6 percent of the ash content of bones compared with 30 percent calcium and 15 percent phosphorus The remaining 40 percent of the body's magnesium is distributed throughout the organs and muscle tissues (where it plays vital roles as enzyme co-factors, and as an important structural component of cell membranes) and in extracellular fluids. The remaining 40 percent of the body's magnesium is distributed throughout the organs and muscle tissues (where it plays vital roles as enzyme co-factors, and as an important structural component of cell membranes) and in extracellular fluids.

16 Fish are capable of extracting magnesium from the environment, although studies with the common carp showed that, in this species, gill extraction of this element is very limited. Fish are capable of extracting magnesium from the environment, although studies with the common carp showed that, in this species, gill extraction of this element is very limited. In the common carp, as well as in the rainbow trout, dietary magnesium levels do not affect calcium and phosphorus composition in the whole body or skeleton despite sharp reductions of up to 50 percent of tissue magnesium when this element was lacking in the diet (80 ppm) and retarded growth and behavioral abnormalities observed. In the common carp, as well as in the rainbow trout, dietary magnesium levels do not affect calcium and phosphorus composition in the whole body or skeleton despite sharp reductions of up to 50 percent of tissue magnesium when this mineral element was lacking in the diet (80 ppm) and retarded growth and behavioral abnormalities observed.

17 Although natural waters are a good source of dissolved magnesium, fish do not extract this mineral element in sufficient quantities to meet dietary needs. Natural foods, as well as most artificial feed ingredients of both animal and vegetable origin, are adequate sources and deficiency under ordinary rearing conditions has not been observed to date Although natural waters are a good source of dissolved magnesium, fish do not extract this mineral element in sufficient quantities to meet dietary needs. Natural foods, as well as most artificial feed ingredients of both animal and vegetable origin, are adequate sources and deficiency under ordinary rearing conditions has not been observed to date

18 OTHER ESSENTIAL INORGANIC ELEMENTS Dietary requirements of fish for most of the trace mineral elements have not been established Iron deficiency in the red sea bream results in a form of microcytic, hypochromic anaemia similar to iron deficiency anaemia in land animals. Common carp fed a semi-purified diet without supplementary iron grew normally but exhibited sub-clinical symptoms of hypochromic microcytic anaemia Iodine deficiency produces a goitrous condition in trout Rainbow trout fed a semi-purified diet deficient in zinc (1 ppm) had increased mortality rate, cataracts in the eyes and erosion of the fins and of the skin. Protein digestibility was also reduced Manganese has also been shown to be essential for growth and survival of Tilapia mossambica and the rainbow trout.

19 The roles of trace elements in fish, although not clearly defined, are probably similar to those described for land animals The roles of trace elements in fish, although not clearly defined, are probably similar to those described for land animals Fish in their natural habitats are probably adequately provided for to meet the requirements for all the mineral elements. However, the intensive culture of certain fish species in man-made ponds and raceways, together with reliance on artificial feeding, make it necessary to incorporate adequate quantities of mineral nutrients in the feed. For the most part, where exact requirements are not known, levels are arbitrarily based on land animal requirements Fish in their natural habitats are probably adequately provided for to meet the requirements for all the mineral elements. However, the intensive culture of certain fish species in man-made ponds and raceways, together with reliance on artificial feeding, make it necessary to incorporate adequate quantities of mineral nutrients in the feed. For the most part, where exact requirements are not known, levels are arbitrarily based on land animal requirements

20 Mineral element Principal metabolic activitiesRequirement symptoms Req./ kg dry diet CalciumBone and cartilage formation; blood clotting; muscle contraction not defined5g PhosphorusBone formation; high energy phosphate esters; other organo-phosphorus compounds Lordosis, poor growth 7g MagnesiumEnzyme co-factor extensively involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins Loss of appetite, poor growth, tetany 500 mg SodiumPrimary monovalent cation of inter cellular fluid; involved in acid-base balance and osmoregulation not defined1-3g PotassiumPrimary monovalent cation of intra-cellular fluid; involved in nerve action and osmoregulation not defined1-3g SulphurIntegral part of sulphur amino acids and collagen; involved in detoxification of aromatic compounds not defined3-5g ChlorinePrimary monovalent anion in cellular fluids; component of digestive juice (HCl); acid-base balance not defined1-5g IronEssential constituent of haeme in haemoglobin, cytochromes, peroxidases, etc. Microcytic, homochronic anaemia 50-00 mg

21 Mineral element Principal metabolic activitiesRequirement symptoms Requireme nt / kg dry diet CopperComponent of haeme in haemocyanin (of cephalopods); co-factor in tyrosinase and ascorbic acid oxidase not defined1-4g ManganeseCo-factor for arginase and certain other metabolic enzymes; involved in bone formation and erythrocyte regeneration not defined20-50 mg CobaltMetal component of cyanocobalamin (B 12 ). Prevents anaemia; involved in C 1 and C 3 metabolism not defined5-10 mg ZincEssential for insulin structure and function; co-factor of carbonic anhydrase not defined30-100 mg IodineConstituent of thyroxine; regulates oxygen use Thyroid hyperplasia (goiter) 100-300 mg MolybdenumCo-factor of xanthine, oxidase, hydrogenases and reductases not defined(trace) ChromiumInvolved in collagen formation and regulation of the rate of glucose metabolism not defined(trace) FluorineComponent of bone appatitenot defined(trace)

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