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Trash to Treasure Recycled Art Inquiry-Based Project.

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1 Trash to Treasure Recycled Art Inquiry-Based Project

2 Learning Targets 0 I understand the 4D's of problem solving. 0 I can design a piece of artwork from recycled and re-purposed materials. 0 I can work collaboratively to produce an original artwork.

3 Question 0 How can we produce art effectively and creatively without the use of purchased materials?

4 Creating Art by Up-cycling Up-cycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value.






10 The 4 D’s 0 “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” 0 The skill of fishing (the process) remains useful long after a single fish (the content) has been eaten. 0 Processes empower people far more than specific content 0 Teachers teach the process of reading to empower you to go on and read an infinite variety of material. 0 Teachers don’t teach students how to write a specific story or essay; we teach them the process of writing so they can continue to write a myriad of things for the rest of their lives.

11 Define 0 The goal of the Define step in problem-solving is to create a list of specifications that outlines all the details that someone needs to know to be able to successfully complete a task. 0 The details must be written clearly enough so that anyone not present during the original presentation of the problem would be able to understand the problem and be able to design an appropriate solution. 0 You must be able to document the specifications for the job with enough detail and clarity so that if someone was to join the task midstream, they could be brought up to speed quickly. (In the real world, people come and go over the course of a project for many reasons.) 0 No matter how well you have listened, it’s virtually impossible to remember everything that was said in a single meeting. That is why you must confirm the details of the job before you continue, so it is required to get my signature on your problem definition before you move on

12 Design 0 Most things we do are done twice. First we create a mental picture of the completed project. Then we actually do it. To get from one to the other we must develop a plan for bringing our vision to reality. 0 For example, to solve a water pressure problem, you may envision placing a large water tank on the top of a hill. However, you still have to figure out how you are going to accomplish that (get the tank up the hill, configure the piping, etc.) Determining the steps required to accomplish something is the design plan that will make the idea a reality. 0 As you design a plan, you become aware of skills and knowledge you are lacking. You need to be able to identify what you need to know before you can begin to implement your plan successfully.

13 Design cont. 0 We often have a great idea that seems like the perfect solution to a problem, only to discover the idea was severely flawed when it was tried. This happens because our brains are great at imaginative thinking, but then stumble when required to think through the specifics of a task logically and sequentially. Because of this, it is important that we get our ideas checked for flaws before we invest too much time and effort trying to make them work. 0 One of the major reasons for procrastination is that often we are overwhelmed by the scope of a task. The size of major projects can be paralyzing. The key to overcoming this, and therefore making it easier on ourselves, is to break large tasks into a sequence of smaller subtasks. This makes the project much more manageable. 0 Setting intermediate deadlines helps us be aware of the passing time long before the final deadline arrives.

14 Do 0 Your group will have now until Friday, Nov 7 th to complete your artwork in class. DEBRIEF 0 We will present on Tuesday, November 11 th and have a critique party.

15 Schedule 0 Tuesday, 10/28: Introduction of problem, groups are assigned, DEFINE Problem, CREATE TIMELINE FOR YOUR GROUP, Start Pumpkins if you have them & if you have time 0 Thursday 10/30: Pumpkins 0 Monday 11/3 & Wednesday 11/5: DESIGN & DO 0 Friday 11/7: DO & Begin Installation 0 Tuesday 11/11: DEBRIEF/Reflection, Present/Group Critique 0 Thursday 11/13 & Monday 11/17: Create a Small Mockette Inspired from your larger piece 0 Wednesday 11/19 & Friday 11/21: Thanksgiving Fun Assignment

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