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CH 1 INTRODUCTION What is science? SCIENCE = is the knowledge based on observation and experimentation. What are the 4 branches of science?

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Presentation on theme: "CH 1 INTRODUCTION What is science? SCIENCE = is the knowledge based on observation and experimentation. What are the 4 branches of science?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CH 1 INTRODUCTION What is science? SCIENCE = is the knowledge based on observation and experimentation. What are the 4 branches of science?

2 1. BIOLOGY = study of life.

3 2. CHEMISTRY = composition & properties of matter

4 3. PHYSICS = forces & motion of matter

5 4. EARTH SCIENCE = study of earth and it’s surroundings

6 Four Branches of Earth Science

7 1. GEOLOGY = study of solid earth.


9 2. OCEANOGRAPHY = study of oceans.

10 3. METEOROLOGY = study of the atmosphere & weather

11 4. ASTRONOMY = study of the universe.


13 4 Earth’s Spheres 1. Hydrosphere  water 2. Atmosphere  air 3. Geosphere  solid earth 4. Biosphere  living things

14 Interaction of the 4 Spheres


16 5 Steps of Scientific Method 1. Identify problem 2. Make observations 3. Form a hypothesis 4. Test the hypothesis 5. Accept, reject, or modify hypothesis.

17 Chemistry Introduction Matter – anything w/ volume and mass  4 states of matter Solid – definite shape and definite volume atoms close together Liquid – no def. shape but definite volume atoms further apart Gas – no definite shape or volume atoms real far apart move easily Plasma—charged particles(lightning, etc.)

18 ELEMENTS Elements = building blocks of minerals. Can’t be broken down into simpler substances by chemical/physical means

19 Periodic Table Each element represented by 1-3 letters 8 elements make up most of earth’s crust. Know top 2! (page 35) Oxygen=47% Silicon=28% Metals – malleable, ductile, good conductors of heat/electricity  left side of periodic table Non-metals – brittle and poor conductors  right side of the periodic table


21 Atom Parts Protons – positively charged  1 amu = mass  Found in nucleus Neutrons – no charge (neutral)  1 amu = mass  Found in nucleus Electrons – negatively charged  Very little mass  Outside of nucleus in energy levels

22 Atoms= smallest particle of matter that contains all of the characteristics of the element Atoms are neutral (no charge)  Equal #’s protons + and electrons -

23 Atomic number – number of protons in the nucleus Mass number - number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus Isotope – atom with same number of protons but different number of neutrons  Used for dating rocks/fossils  EX: 12 C and 14 C Ion – atoms that gained or lost electrons giving them a charge (+ or -)

24 Mixtures & Compounds Mixture – combination of substances…  Don’t lose identities (of components)  Easy to separate components  Not in a set ratio Solutions – special type of mixture (Solute vs. Solvent) (Alloys=mixture) Compounds – 2 or more elements chemically combined  Components lose their identity  Components can’t be separate out easily  Components in a specific, set ratio

25 Atomic Bonds (James) Atoms without a full outer energy level are likely to bond chemically. 3 types: 1. Ionic – formed when electrons are transferred from a + ion to a – ion - between metals and non-metals 2. Covalent – when electrons are shared between the atoms of non-metals 3. Metallic – when electrons are shared by metal ions.

26 Determining Location Latitude – distance N or S of equator, measured in degrees (are parallel)  Lines run East and West  Oº = equator  90º = poles Longitude – distance E or W of prime meridian, measured in degrees (not parallel)  Lines run North and South  Oº = Prime Meridian  180º = International Date Line

27 Topographic Maps Represents the 3-D earth in 2-D.  Contour lines - lines of equal elevation; shows elevation on a flat map  Contour interval – elevation difference between adjacent lines  Hachure marks – represent depressions  Scale – a distance on the map = a distance on the surface (ratio, bar, verbal)  Legend/key – explains map symbols  Benchmark -- triangle represents special elevation




31 THE END !

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