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WWI Alliances. M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Militarism A country builds up its weapons and military May not use it Alliance System Countries agree to help each.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI Alliances. M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Militarism A country builds up its weapons and military May not use it Alliance System Countries agree to help each."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI Alliances

2 M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Militarism A country builds up its weapons and military May not use it Alliance System Countries agree to help each other Fight, give supplies/money

3 M.A.I.N Causes of WWI Imperialism A stronger country takes over a weaker country Nationalism Pride in your country or nationality You feel like you belong to a group

4 Austria-Hungary Type of Gov: Monarchy/Emperor Franz Josef Relatives: Archduke Franz Ferdinand (nephew & heir) -son committed suicide, wife & daughter dead

5 Austria-Hungary Alliances: they feared Russia so they allied with Germany in 1879 -sign a treaty with Italy & Germany in 1882 (This becomes the Triple Alliance)

6 Austria-Hungary Imperialism: they had just gained Bosnia and other Balkan countries -took over Hungary

7 Austria-Hungary Nationalism: wanted to unite the “Austrian” race.

8 Serbia Alliance: Russia to protect themselves from Austria-Hungary -also had used Russia’s help in freeing themselves from the Ottomans Nationalism: they wanted to reunite “Slavic” peoples/Serbs -A-H had Bosnia, etc.

9 Germany Type Gov: monarchy/Kaiser Wilhelm II Relatives: 1 st cousins (through father) King George of Great Britain

10 Germany Militarism: 1.Building up arms- experimenting with gases (secret) 2.Want larger army 3.Begin building up navy

11 Germany Imperialism: Arguing over Alsace-Lorraine with Germany (coal/iron)

12 Russia Type of Gov: monarchy/Tsar Nicholas II Relatives: 1 st cousins (through mom) King George of Great Britain -wife Alexandra is granddaughter of late Queen Victoria of England & she is related to almost every royal family but more importantly her father was German.

13 Russia Militarism: Fear German build up Alliances: 1887 had one with Germany but it lapses -1894-France 1907-Great Britain -this becomes the Triple Entente -ally with Serbia

14 Russia Imperialism: need a warm water port (want one near Mediterranean Sea) -look to the Balkans for the port -before WWI had aided Serbs in freeing themselves from Ottoman Empire

15 Russia Nationalism: change capital from St. Petersburg to Petrograd -feel language and culture is Slavic and want to unite Slavic people

16 France Type of Gov: Parliamentary system/Prime Minister Clemenceau Militarism: fear German build up Alliances: 1894 look to Russia to sandwich Germany -1904-treaty Great Britain Imperialism: wants Alsace-Lorraine to protect border with Germany.

17 Great Britain Type of Gov: monarchy/Parliament -King George V/ Prime Minister Relatives: 1 st cousins Tzar & Wilhelm -cousins Queen Netherlands, King Belgium -cousins to Tzar’s wife

18 Great Britain Militarism: always had the best navy (scared of Germany naval build up) Alliances: 1904-France -2 nd treaty France & Russia 1907 -become Triple Entente (“friendly understanding”)

19 Great Britain Imperialism: had an empire -India, Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. (means these countries are their allies in war)

20 Ottoman Empire Type Gov: Monarchy/ Sultan Mehmed V Alliances: Germany will form an alliance in 1914 to cut off Russia Imperialism: lost part of their empire early 1900s (Balkans, etc.) -own most modern day Middle East Nationalism: unite all Muslim countries

21 Bulgaria Type Gov: Monarchy/ King Ferdinand Alliances: ally Ottomans to get land back from Romania Nationalism: originally part of the Ottomans but in 1912 separate along with Serbia, Greece, Albania, Montenegro -they then argued over land and a 2 nd war between Bulgaria and Romania (with Serbia, Montenegro, Greece) occurred

22 Romania Type of Gov: King Ferdinand Alliances: ally with Russia and the Allies to keep territory from Bulgaria

23 Italy Type of Gov: King Victor Emmanuel III/Prime Minister Alliances: original alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary -neutral start of war -eventually become Allied Powers

24 The Event (Spark) Archduke & wife go to Sarajevo (Bosnia) for parade Serbian Anarchist group “Black Hand” Gavril Princip assainates the Archduke & his wife!

25 Who Cares???? Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia Who has to come in and help Serbia? Russia! Who comes in to help A-H? Germany! Who helps Russia? France! Who helps France? Great Britain! Who helps Germany? Ottoman Empire!


27 Schlieffen Plan Over 100 years old Made by Count Schlieffen in case Germany had to fight a two front war 1. Go through neutral Belgium & Luxumberg 2. Capture Paris 3. Wheel around back through Germany & resupply 4. Go to Russia (Russia has a 6 week mobility time) Problem!!!!! Solution!!!!

28 Why It Didn’t Work: 1. Belgium forces held off the Germans & delayed their entrance into Paris 2. Russia moved faster than expected 3. France are able to get their troops from Alsace- Lorraine border to Paris through taxi cabs & railroads THE GERMANS STUCK!!! Solution? Trenches

29 It’s a World War!!! (1914-1918)

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