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To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee. Young Harper Lee Harper Lee was born on April 28th, 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama. Lee is the youngest of four children.

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Presentation on theme: "To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee. Young Harper Lee Harper Lee was born on April 28th, 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama. Lee is the youngest of four children."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee

2 Young Harper Lee Harper Lee was born on April 28th, 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama. Lee is the youngest of four children. Her childhood nickname was “Nelle.” In school, she was a tomboy, a leader, and an avid reader.

3 Harper Lee’s Education Harper Lee attended a public school before going to Huntington College for Women. After a year, Lee went to the University of Alabama and graduated. She then studied at Oxford University.

4 On the Road to Success After completing her education, Harper Lee headed for New York to work as a reservation clerk for British Airlines. While working, she wrote short stories and essays, but these weren’t good enough. She quit her job to develop one of her stories into a novel. J.B. Lippincott Company liked her story and told her to rewrite it. Once Lee rewrote it, her book To Kill a Mockingbird was published.

5 Instant Winner! 500,000 copies of To Kill a Mockingbird were sold in the first year, and the novel was translated into ten different languages. The movie made the story even bigger.

6 Where Is Harper Lee Now? Lee resides with her sister Louise and is in her 80s. She refuses to speak to the press and have interviews. While her book is being recognized everyday, she wishes to be left alone.

7 Filming To Kill a Mockingbird The film was released on Christmas in 1962. To Kill a Mockingbird won 3 Academy Awards along with 2 other wins. The movie is on the AFI list of “100 Greatest Movies of All Time.” Director Horton Foote and Harper Lee Jem and Scout Finch Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson

8 Background of TKAM The story takes place in Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930s. At this time, there is segregation between whites and colored people. The main character, Scout learns life lessons about empathy and respect.

9 To Kill a Mockingbird in Chicago One Book, One Chicago featured To Kill a Mockingbird as its inaugural book selection. Mayor Richard Daley said, “the richly drawn characters, the compelling social justice issues and the poignant moments make To Kill a Mockingbird an American classic.”

10 Similarities Between Harper Lee and Scout Finch Scout’s Life Scout grows up in Alabama in the 1930s. Scout’s father is an attorney. Scout can read before she begins school. Scout is six years old when the Tom Robinson trial occurs. Harper Lee’s Life Harper grew up in the 1930s in Alabama. Harper’s father was an attorney. As a child, Harper read constantly. Harper was six years old when the Scottsboro trials occurred.

11 The Characters of TKAM Atticus Finch Atticus is an attorney in the Alabama state legislature. He is the father of Scout and Jem. He teaches his children about respect and empathy. Atticus represents a black man, Tom Robinson, which teaches Scout a life lesson.

12 Characters of TKAM cont. Scout Finch Scout is a six-year-old girl. She spends her summers with Jem and Dill. She enters school for the first time. Scout, Jem and Dill go through new experiences and learn new lessons.

13 Characters of TKAM cont. Jem Finch Jem is four years older than Scout. He goes on adventures with his sister and discovers new people.

14 Characters of TKAM cont. Cal (Calpurnia) She is an African American woman who works for Atticus and helps to raise Scout and Jem. Dill (Charles Baker Harris) Dill is Jem and Scout’s friend. Dill comes to Maycomb every summer to visit his aunt, Miss Rachel.

15 Characters of TKAM cont. Boo Radley (Mr. Arthur) Boo Radley is a neighbor of the Finches. Scout, Jem, and Dill have never seen him before. Boo Radley never goes outside, so the children are afraid of him. Tom Robinson Tom is accused of raping a white woman. Atticus Finch represents him in court.

16 Characters of TKAM cont. Bob Ewell Bob is the father of Mayella. She supports his daughter through the trial and ignores the truth. Mayella Violet Ewell Mayella is a lonely and unhappy teenager. She accuses Tom Robinson of raping her.

17 Mockingbirds and Symbolism Mockingbirds often symbolize innocence. Thus, to kill a mockingbird destroys innocence. Look for symbolic “mockingbirds” as we read.

18 Themes: Intended “take-aways” Read to enjoy this delightful story while “taking-away” valuable lessons in the following main ideas: Paradigms: pre-jud-ice Family Justice Coming of Age

19 Motif: The story is told within patterns to “hold it together”! Small town Agricultural, rural America “Gothic”

20 Your goals? Improve your CRS/CC reading skills; Challenge your assumptions and consider a paradigm shift; Be moved to champion social justice; »AND, ENJOY this hiumorous, heartwarming, and mind-expanding portrait of America through literature.

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