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Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird  Pulitzer Prize Winner of 1961  Academy Award Winning Movie of 1963.

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Presentation on theme: "Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird  Pulitzer Prize Winner of 1961  Academy Award Winning Movie of 1963."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird  Pulitzer Prize Winner of 1961  Academy Award Winning Movie of 1963

2 Similarities Childhood = Fathers = Brothers = Loved = 6 years-old when =

3 Discuss… “ Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough” (Lee 279).

4 Motifs in To Kill a Mockingbird Prejudice – meaning “to pre-judge” someone based upon superficial information Coming of Age / End of Innocence Influence of Adults on Children Moral Courage Justice The Wisdom of Children

5 Harper Lee’s Style Southern Accents Colloquialisms 1. example = “It’s raining cats and dogs!” 2. one of your own = Depiction of “the South”

6 Point of View Narration Told from the viewpoint of a six year old This first person narrator (Scout) does not always understand what is occurring. This causes some of the events and their meanings to be withheld from the readers until a more effective time of presentation. Sometimes Scout comes to a realization; other times, the readers or other characters come to a conclusion when Scout does not.

7 The Novel’s Structure Originally a collection of short stories. Episodic: think of TV show episodes… Two main plot lines: Boo Radley and Tom Robinson

8 Characters in To Kill a Mockingbird Scout – the main character and narrator Jem – her older brother Atticus – the quintessential lawyer and the children’s father Calpurnia – An African-American woman who is the Finch’s housekeeper and a mother figure to the children Dill – the nephew of a neighbor who visits during the summer Boo Radley – the neighborhood “haint”

9 Characters continued… Tom Robinson – an innocent man accused of rape The Ewell’s – the town’s white trash The Cunningham’s – poor but honest white people Aunt Alexandra – the children’s aunt Miss Maudie – the neighbor who is the children’s friend

10 Characters continued… Uncle Jack – used to illustrate Atticus’ parenting Francis – provides information Scout would normally not have heard

11 Juxtaposition (Foils) of Characters Burris Ewell vs. Walter Cunningham Mayella Ewell vs. Scout Finch Atticus vs. Bob Ewell Calpurnia vs. Aunt Alexandra

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