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LITERARY TERMS. Plot The story line Setting When and where the story takes place.

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Presentation on theme: "LITERARY TERMS. Plot The story line Setting When and where the story takes place."— Presentation transcript:


2 Plot The story line

3 Setting When and where the story takes place

4 Theme Moral or lesson of the story

5 Climax The highpoint of the story

6 Resolution How the climax is solved

7 Irony Three Types: –Verbal Irony –Dramatic Irony –Situational Irony

8 Verbal Irony Words are used to suggest the opposite of their usual meaning

9 Dramatic Irony The audience knows something that a character does not

10 Situational Irony An event occurs that directly contradicts the expectations of the characters, the reader, or the audience

11 Point of View Who is telling the story

12 First Person Narrator is a character in the story Buzz words: I, me

13 Third Person Objective Outside narrator Knows only one character’s thoughts feelings Buzz words: he,she, they

14 Third Person Omniscient Outside narrator Knows more than one character’s thoughts and feelings Buzz words: he, she, they

15 Symbolism One object represents another

16 Protagonist The character who drives the action

17 Antagonist The obstacle of the protagonist

18 Character Someone or something in the story

19 Foreshadowing Giving hints as to what will happen later in the story

20 Personification Giving human qualities to non-human things

21 Tone The atmosphere the author is trying to create

22 Imagery Language that appeals to the senses

23 Diction The choice of words used in a literary work

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