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SHORT STORY TERMS A FOND REVIEW. PLOT DIAGRAM Exposition: background information Inciting Moment: the moment or event that starts the plot moving forward.

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Presentation on theme: "SHORT STORY TERMS A FOND REVIEW. PLOT DIAGRAM Exposition: background information Inciting Moment: the moment or event that starts the plot moving forward."— Presentation transcript:


2 PLOT DIAGRAM Exposition: background information Inciting Moment: the moment or event that starts the plot moving forward Rising Action: action leading to the climax Climax: the turning point Falling Action: action leading away from the climax Dénouement: the conclusion

3 THE PLOT DIAGRAM Exposition Inciting Moment Rising Action Climax Falling Action Denouement

4 TYPES OF CONFLICT Man vs. man Man vs. nature Man vs. society (which often includes Man vs. machine) Man vs. God/supernatural Man vs. self (Internal Conflict)

5 CHARACTERIZATION CAN COME FROM… The character’s physical appearance The character’s own actions, thoughts and feelings The thoughts, actions, feelings of a different character toward that character The narrator’s direct comments about the character

6 POINT OF VIEW First person: the narrator is a character in the story and uses the pronoun “I” Third-person omniscient: “all knowing” narrator reveals thoughts/feelings of more than one character Third-person limited: reveals thoughts/feelings of only one character

7 LITERARY TERMS Flashback: when a story flashes back to an earlier event to help the reader better understand the current situation Symbolism: when a character or object stands for more than itself Setting: where and when the story takes place Theme: a deeper message that the author is trying to convey to the reader or an idea that the author is exploring in depth.

8 LITERARY TERMS Tone: the attitude of the author towards his material Mood: the atmosphere the author creates Protagonist: the main character in the story that goes through a change Antagonist: the character or force that opposes the protagonist Imagery: vivid descriptions appealing to the five senses

9 LITERARY TERMS Personification: giving human traits to inanimate objects Simile: a comparison using “like” or “as” Metaphor: a direct comparison Irony: when one thing is expected but the opposite happens Foreshadowing: subtle clues that hint at events to come

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