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1 IAP/CAS NATURAL DISASTER MITIGATION -- 2006 Workplan and Budget Lead Academy: Chinese Academy of Sciences March 28, 2006 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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Presentation on theme: "1 IAP/CAS NATURAL DISASTER MITIGATION -- 2006 Workplan and Budget Lead Academy: Chinese Academy of Sciences March 28, 2006 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 IAP/CAS NATURAL DISASTER MITIGATION -- 2006 Workplan and Budget Lead Academy: Chinese Academy of Sciences March 28, 2006 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2 2 Outline 1. 2005 Work Summary 2. 2006 Work Plan 3. 2006 Budget

3 3 IAP Initiative IAP Initiative of “Global Natural Hazards and Disaster Reduction” Members: Participates: Thailand USA Sweden Cuba Bangladesh Japan Indonesian India Nigeria China

4 4 2005 Work Summary From Jan. to Sept., 2005 Two International Workshops on Tsunami in Beijing, China in June and Phuket, Thailand in September ; Three international experts tele-conferences; Three Chinese experts meetings; Eight CAS working group meetings. The working document “Global Natural Hazards and Disaster Reduction” has been finished in its Fourth version which has come out based on the comments from USA, Sweden, Indonesia, Japan, India, Cuba, Bangladesh, Thailand and China etc. Report to IAP EC Meeting, Oct. 2005

5 5 The Document of IAP Initiative

6 6 The Outline of the Document Five parts in the document: A. Global natural hazards ; B. Scientific Disaster Prevention and Reduction (present situation, problems and tendency) ; C. The responsibilities of the whole society in disaster prevention and reduction. D. Recommendations and suggestions for scientific disaster prevention and reduction. E. Scientific modern system of disaster reduction.

7 7 Scientific Problems on Disaster Mitigation Observation System of Globe Disaster Key Scientific Problems: A. To transform natural changing data into Disaster information. B. To find Disaster from different systems together.

8 8 Scientific Problems on Disaster Mitigation Conformity of Disaster Information Key Scientific Problems: A. Collect disaster information and assessment disaster ; B. Conformity of different systems on natural disasters; C. Conformity of all information for finding major disaster ; D. Simulation of disaster information; E. Standard of disaster information.

9 9 Scientific Problems on Disaster Mitigation Integrative S&T System for Disaster Reduction Key Scientific Problems: A. The real-time monitoring and data processing ability; B. Integrated processing platform: C. Comprehensive disaster database ; D. Disaster processing and analysis system; E. Assessment system for disaster situations; F. Decision support system; G. Issue system of disaster situations; ……

10 10 2006 Work Plan Scientific Focus on: a. Three major disasters Storm Earthquake Flood b. Two kinds of disasters Mechanism: Known and unknown c. Comprehensive study Science Hi-tech

11 11 ☆ The Categories of major sudden disasters: ※ Storms (including tsunamis, typhoons, storm tides, etc.) ※ Earthquakes ※ Floods ※ Others (volcanoes, geological disasters, biological disasters, fires, etc.) Global Major Natural Disasters Global Major Natural Disasters From 1950 to 1999 ( Murchener Ruck Munich Re Group, 1999 ), all kinds of sudden natural disasters (excluding drought) have resulted in: A death toll of up to 1,400,000 A death toll of up to 1,400,000 Economic losses up to US$ 960 billion Economic losses up to US$ 960 billion

12 12 Severe Scenario of Natural Disasters Serious Major Natural Disasters Continuously Threaten Human Being Recent Serious Major Natural Disasters Continuously Threaten Human Being a. Great Tsunami in Indian Ocean Killed nearly 300,000 People Killed nearly 300,000 People. (There had no pre-warning, no awareness, no preparedness, no response system) no preparedness, no response system) b. Hurricane Katrina Hit USA Last Sep. Over 1,000 people killed, more than US$ 100 Billion lost (Exact prediction, but weak Preparedness) c. Huge earthquake in South Asian last Oct. caused a death toll of 76,000, 4.0 million people homeless (No prediction, no pre-warning, no preparedness) d. Disastrous Landslide in the Philippines this year buried about 1,800 people there. buried about 1,800 people there. ( Lack of pre-warning, awareness, preparedness ( Lack of pre-warning, awareness, preparedness emergency response system) emergency response system)

13 13 Scientific Problems on Disaster Reduction Two kinds of Disaster in the World: Mechanism of Disaster is known (Typhoon, Flood, etc.) : We will pay attention on Forecasting 、 Pre-waning 、 System Mechanism of Disaster is known (Typhoon, Flood, etc.) : We will pay attention on Forecasting 、 Pre-waning 、 System of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Response, etc. Mechanism of Disaster is unknown (Earthquake, Tsunami): Mechanism of Disaster is unknown (Earthquake, Tsunami): We will pay attention on Mechanism 、 System of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Response, etc. Reduction and Emergency Response, etc.

14 14 What differences for DR or Non-DR? Three Major Floods in Yangtze River of China in 20th Century : Non Disaster Reduction 1931 Flood, 140000 Persons died ; 1954 Flood , 30000 Persons died ; Disaster Reduction 1998 Flood , 3000 Persons died. Two 2005 Major Hurricanes of USA: USA: Non Disaster Reduction Hurricane Katrina 100 BN US$ Lost, 1200 Persons died; 100 BN US$ Lost, 1200 Persons died; Disaster Reduction Hurricane Lita Hurricane Lita 5 BN US$ Lost, 2 Persons died. 5 BN US$ Lost, 2 Persons died. Hurricane Katrina hit USA on Aug. 29, 2005 Losses more than 100 BN US$ 1200 people were killed

15 15 * Mechanism of natural disaster ; * Prediction of natural disaster ; * Assessment of natural disaster; * Pre-warning and emergency response to natural disaster ; * Integrated study on natural disaster.

16 16 2006 Work Plan 1. Enhancement of the Public Awareness of Disaster Mitigation 2.Modification of the Document 3. Training Course on Disaster Mitigation In Developing Countries 4.Co-operation with other international organizations Working Focus on :

17 17 2006 Working Plan 1.Enhancement of the Public Awareness of Disaster Mitigation An IAP Statement on Natural Disaster Mitigation Schedule for the statement: Sep.10, the first draft of the statement; Oct.10, the second draft of the statement; Nov.10, the final version of the statement.

18 18 D. 2006 Working Plan 2. Document would be modified “Global Natural Hazards and Disaster Reduction” would be modified and streamlined into would be modified and streamlined into “Natural Disaster Mitigation”. “Natural Disaster Mitigation”. Schedule for Modification: Aug.30 the first draft Sept. 30 the second draft Oct. 30 the final version

19 19 3.Training Course on Disaster Mitiga. In Developing Countries Environment & Disaster An international training course on Environment & Disaster will be held in Beijing, China, Oct. 2006 Participants Participants from about 15 developing countries 2006 Working Plan

20 20 4. Co-operation with other international organizations # The Introduction of IAP initiative aroused great harmonious response of CODATA ICSU at the 16th CODATA DSAO Task Group conference in Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 12-13,2006. # The CODATA has great enthusiasm to co-operate with IAP In the Field of Natural Disaster Mitigation and support to Establish a new task group under CODATA in this area. # A proposal has been submitted to CODATA Secretariat to set up a task group on Comprehensive Information System for Natural Disaster Mitigation, which will be discussed at CODATA meeting. D. 2006 Working Plan

21 21 Several key points: Outreach to UN and governments More IAP academies involved Discuss & Cooperate with ICSU Specific IAP niche Two important output before IAP GA: Report and Statement

22 22 Estimated Budget in 2006

23 23 Estimated Budget in 2006 Budget proposal funding in 2006: From IAP: US$ 30,000 From CAS: RMB 400,000 Yuan

24 24

25 25 Real-time RS data from satellites. governments Emergency relief Reconstruction after disaster Decision supporting system Real-time regular surface data · meteorology ·ocean ·hydrology. ·earthquake ·agriculture ·forestry ·environment · Real-time tracking monitoring for disaster Forecasting and Pre-warning for disaster Assessment for disaster GIS Disaster-caused facters Real-time disaster data Remote sensing data Disaster-situation Analysis Numerical simulation Assessment before disasterAssessment during disasterAssessment after disaster Real-time disaster data from Gov. ·Real-time disaster-caused factors ·Real-time disaster situation ·Historic disaster situation ·Socio-economics, population ·GIS information · Terrain & topography ·Risk assessment ·Land use ··· Comprehensive database for disaster reduction Disaster information processing platform Disaster prevention The flow chart of integrated disaster-reducing scientific demo system for major disaster in ocean and coast

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