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TECH PREP Transitioning from Secondary to Postsecondary Dr. Kathy J. D’Antoni WV.

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1 TECH PREP Transitioning from Secondary to Postsecondary Dr. Kathy J. D’Antoni WV

2 Proposed Tech Prep Definitions  Tech Prep Program  An approved coherent sequence of academic and technical occupational courses within a Career and Technical Education program that is articulated to a two year certificate, degree, technical diploma or apprenticeship program at the postsecondary level.  Secondary Tech Prep Student  A student who is enrolled in a Tech Prep program that is carried out under a formal written articulation agreement.  Postsecondary Tech Prep Student  A secondary Tech Prep concentrator (defined as a minimum of two Carnegie units) who has matriculated to the postsecondary institution and is enrolled in a two year certificate, degree, technical diploma or apprenticeship program.

3 West Virginia Issues  Secondary and Postsecondary Information Systems did not Communicate  Articulation was not Working  Parental/Student Awareness  Career Development

4 The EDGE  A dynamic initiative that allows students to establish a college transcript while till in high school. It promotes the blend of academic and technical courses to raise the achievement of students and to increase the college-going rate and more importantly college-going success.

5 WV EDGE  EDGE – Earn a Degree-Graduate Early  Free College Credit  Immediate College Credit  Transcript Established  Career Pathways Established  Created State-wide Articulated Programs  Secondary and Postsecondary Faculty Collaboration

6 Tech Prep Data  Number of Tech Prep Students Transitioning  Number of Tech Prep Students in Developmental Education  Average Class Load for Tech Prep Students  Number of Tech Prep Students earning an associate degree or certificate

7 Quality of EDGE Students - 2005 - 2006 Report  EDGE Student Remediation Averages  Developmental English  9% compared to a system-wide average of 23.5%.  Developmental Math  20% compared to a system-wide average of 38%.  Other Developmental Courses  22% compared to a system-wide average of 42.5%.  EDGE Students carry an average 2.68 GPA with a course load of 14 credit hours per semester.  EDGE Student Remediation Averages  Developmental English  9% compared to a system-wide average of 23.5%.  Developmental Math  20% compared to a system-wide average of 38%.  Other Developmental Courses  22% compared to a system-wide average of 42.5%.  EDGE Students carry an average 2.68 GPA with a course load of 14 credit hours per semester.

8 West Virginia Participation Rates  2002 – 2003 School Year  23% of High Schools & Technical Centers Participated  2003 – 2004 School Year  46% of High Schools & Technical Centers Participated  2004 – 2005 School Year  70% (108) of High Schools & Technical Centers Participating  73% Increase in Student Participation* * The new participation numbers include students that may be enrolled in multiple EDGE courses or are enrolled at a Technical Center and High School simultaneously.  2002 – 2003 School Year  23% of High Schools & Technical Centers Participated  2003 – 2004 School Year  46% of High Schools & Technical Centers Participated  2004 – 2005 School Year  70% (108) of High Schools & Technical Centers Participating  73% Increase in Student Participation* * The new participation numbers include students that may be enrolled in multiple EDGE courses or are enrolled at a Technical Center and High School simultaneously.

9 Other Models  Discussion and Questions

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