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Classical Conditioning I Classical Conditioning II.

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3 Classical Conditioning I

4 Classical Conditioning II

5 Operant Conditioning

6 Schedules of Reinforcement /Contingency

7 Other forms of learning

8 Anything Goes!

9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Classical Conditioning I Classical Conditioning II Operant Conditioning Schedules of Reinforcement/Co ntingency Other forms of Learning Anything Goes

10 A stimulus that triggers a response automatically and reflexively

11 Unconditioned stimulus

12 For the dogs in Pavlov’s experiment, the response to the meat before learning (element of CC)

13 Unconditioned response

14 Flinching in our class example (element of CC)

15 Conditioned response

16 What is a neutral stimulus?

17 Irrelevant before learning; Becomes the CS after learning

18 How can we test if acquisition has occurred?

19 Present the CS (that was easy) without presenting the US (air gun); If they flinch, they’ve learned, if not, then they haven’t!

20 The diminishing of a learned response

21 Extinction

22 Process in which an organism produces the same response to two similar stimuli

23 Generalization

24 Process in which an organism produces two different responses to two similar stimuli

25 Discrimination

26 What was Rescorla’s contribution to classical conditioning?

27 Said that cognition is important; Organism needs to determine whether the CS (that was easy) is a reliable indicator of the US (air gun)

28 What is second-order conditioning?

29 Aka higher order/level conditioning; When an existing CS (Bell) is paired with a new stimulus (light) to produce a new conditioned response (salivate when see light)

30 Reinforcement is anything that _________ the likelihood of a behavior

31 Increases

32 Taking an Advil to get rid of a headache is what type of reinforcement?

33 Negative

34 Who is the author of the law of effect?

35 Edward Thorndike

36 Doing an extra assignment means you will get extra credit, which means you will get a better grade. What type of reinforcement is the EC?

37 Secondary (this is LEARNED)

38 What is the overjustification effect?

39 The effect of promising a reward for doing what someone already likes to do The reward may lessen and replace the person’s original, natural motivation, so that the behavior stops if the reward is eliminated

40 When a reward follows every correct response

41 Continuous reinforcement

42 Rewards the first correct response after some defined period of time

43 Fixed-Interval

44 Rewards a response after an unpredictable number of correct responses

45 Variable-Ratio

46 A pigeon getting 1 food pellet for every 20 pecks

47 Fixed-ratio schedule

48 The schedule most resistant to extinction (also called a gambler’s schedule)

49 Variable-Ratio

50 Ran the Bobo doll experiment

51 Albert Bandura

52 Another name for observational learning

53 Social learning theory

54 A learned mental image of a spatial environment that may be called on to solve problems

55 Cognitive map

56 Learning that occurs rapidly as a result of understanding all the elements of a problem

57 Insight

58 Learning that is stored internally but not yet reflected in behavior

59 Latent learning

60 In what forms of learning do you see generalization and discrimination?

61 Classical AND operant

62 What were the results of the BoBo doll experiment?

63 Regardless of which condition the subjects were exposed to, all acted more violently after watching the model act aggressively towards the Bobo doll

64 What are the elements of Watson’s classical conditioning experiment with Little Albert?

65 US: Loud noiseCS: Rat UR: CryCR: Cry

66 What is learned helplessness?

67 Failure to take steps or to avoid/escape from an unpleasant stimulus that occur because of previous encounters with unavoidable situations (think dog experiment!)

68 In order to be effective, what conditions must punishment meet?

69 Swift, sufficient, consistent

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