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CHILD PSYCHOLOGY 1 Unit 1: Developmental Domains and Theories.

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1 CHILD PSYCHOLOGY 1 Unit 1: Developmental Domains and Theories

2 CHARACTERISTICS OF DEVELOPMENT  Researchers have found that child development follows 5 general rules:  1. Development is similar for each individual-  Children go through the same stages in about the same order, for example all babies lift their heads before they lift their bodies. 2. Development builds upon earlier learning-  Development follows a sequence, or an order of steps. The skills a child learns at one stage build upon those mastered earlier. For example, a child learns to say single words before speaking in phrases or complete sentences.

3 CHARACTERISTICS OF DEVELOPMENT  3. Development proceeds at an individual rate-  While all children pass through the same stages of development each child goes through these stages at his or her own pace. 4. The different areas of development are interrelated-  Even though researched tend to focus on one area of development at a time, changes occur in many areas-body, mind, emotions-at the same time.

4 CHARACTERISTICS OF DEVELOPMENT  5. Development is a lifelong process-  The rate of development varies. Sometimes it is rapid and sometimes less so. No matter what the pace is, development doesn’t stop.

5 3 DEVELOPMENTAL DOMAINS 1. PHYSICAL OR BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Examples: Height, weight gain, muscle development. 2. COGNITIVE OR INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT Examples: Brain development (knowledge), language development 3. SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Examples: Social skills, coping skills, temperament.

6 INFLUENCES ON DEVELOPMENT  Heredity is the biological transfer of certain characteristics from earlier generations. Blood type, eye color, and hair color are just a few of the characteristics determined by heredity.  Environment refers to the people, places, and things that surround and influence a person, including family, home, school, and community.

7 T-CHART EXERCISE  On small post-it notes write examples your OWN development and then decide whether or not that example of your development was influenced by heredity or your environment.  For example, I have blue eyes. This is an example of my heredity development.  Also, I speak English. This is an example of my environmental development.  When you have written down 5 examples, stick them on the SMART board under the correct category-HEREDITY or ENVIRONMENTAL.


9 NATURE VS. NURTURE DEBATE  Most human development theorists agree that both nature and nurture influence a person’s development. Some would argue one more than the other…  WHAT DO YOU THINK?

10 DEBATE: NATURE VS. NURTURE  Think about how you feel about how your heredity and/or environmental factors have influenced your OWN development.  Pick a side, heredity OR environment, that you fill MOST impacts one’s development.  Even if you believe they both equally influence one’s development you MUST select a side on which to debate in favor of-  Right side of the room is HEREDITY and left side is ENVIRONMENT.

11 DEBATE RULES:  ONE PERSON TALKS AT A TIME!!! Raise your hand when you’d like to speak and I will select who speaks next.  All comments are respectful and not accusatory in any way, shape, or form. (Example, “You’re wrong!”)  Anything personal shared by anyone (that may support their choice of side) is not to be shared beyond this classroom.  This is a safe, non-judging, civil debate—in hopes of bringing up key issues that influence OUR development as humans.



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