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Chapter 2 Test Review Place these notes into your notebook.

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1 Chapter 2 Test Review Place these notes into your notebook.

2 Copy these notes to your notebook. The goal of science is to understand the natural world. Every scientific discovery begins in the human mind. Carl Sagan was a scientist who studied astronomy. There are two qualities that successful scientists share: logic & curiosity.

3 Scientists hypothesize in order to explain what they think will happen in a certain situation. Scientists need to be skeptical so that they can question long-held assumptions. Technology is the application of science to design a new product or process. Scientists test their ideas by performing experiments. Scientific inquiry involves observing, gathering data, and forming a hypothesis.

4 Evidence can be measured, tested, and observed using one’s senses. During the process of peer review, scientists read other’s works for the following reasons: deciding if the work has merit. Determining if enough research and experimentation was performed, or deciding if the scientist has proved his or her hypothesis. What failed discovery would probably not have falsely raised hope had proper peer review procedures been carried out? cold fusion

5 Which tools would you expect a geologist to use? Soil auger, hand lens, seismograph. Scientific explanations must be supported by evidence. A theory is an explanation of observable events or facts for which no exception has been found. Scientific laws are discovered when generalizations for how the world behaves under specific conditions cannot be disproved.



8 Technological or Scientific reasons for asking questions. ScientificTechnological Why does sun giveHow can hydrogen fuel off energy?be used to power cars? How much hydrogenHow does one is in the sun?measure sea level?

9 Evidence: Syn. (Proof) EvidenceNot Evidence The liquid frozeThe liquid was At 10°C.identified as water because of its appearance. The object’s length Measured 30.5 cm.

10 Temperature falls near the Earth’s surface and increases until Earth’s center is reached.

11 Which two tools have recently revolutionized Earth science? Computer and satellite. Essay: Explain how scientists go about answering a question. Use the words: hypothesis, inquiry, evidence, experiment, and test in your answer. When scientists have a question about a phenomenon, they first perform research to learn about it. The scientists engage in a process of inquiry that involves developing their question and performing research. Based on their findings, they make a hypothesis, or educated guess. They design experiments to gather data or evidence for the hypothesis. This experiment is used to test the hypothesis. After they collect and analyze their evidence, they develop an inference, or an explanation of the results they obtained.

12 Why was the idea of cold fusion rejected? The cold fusion experiment was rejected because no other scientists could repeat it in the lab.

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