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Unit 1 Chapter 1 Introduction into Earth Science.

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1 Unit 1 Chapter 1 Introduction into Earth Science

2 Section 1 What is Earth Science? It is the study of the Earth……but more! It is learning about all of the systems and their interactions between each other. It is about the delicate balance that earth holds. We need to study the earth to find out where we are going based on where we have been. We need to know if we are harming the earth or making it better. We need to know if things are happening because we are making them or because they would without our intervention.

3 Who does the discovering and interpretations? 4 branches of science that we use in Earth Science:  Geology  Geologist – studies anything to do with the hard parts of the earth  Meteorology  Meteorologist – studies the weather and other variables  Astronomy  Astronomer – studies outer space and all that’s involved out there  Oceanography  Oceanographer – studies anything that has to do with the water parts of the earth   Environmental Science - A combining how man interacts with the environment.

4 Section 2 Science as a Process The goal of science is to explain natural phenomena. Scientists ask questions about natural events and then work to find answers to the questions that they are curious about. They even try to use science to prove unnatural phenomena (aliens?) too.

5 This is done though a series of events.  Step I:  Scientific Inquiry  Asking questions  Observing ( interactions of the senses with the environment)  Forming Inferences ( an interpretation of an observation)  Gathering Evidence  Step II:  Form a hypothesis  Analyze the data  Draw conclusions

6 Step III: Test the data Perform the experiment Factors for an experiment : Independent variable Factors that are changed by the person performing the experiment Dependent variable Variables that change because of changes in the independent variables Control Group An identical group used as a comparison for the group being tested. Re-test everything

7 Step IV: Draw a conclusion Either move ahead or come up with something new Using Tools to assist with the testing Accuracy & Precision Important when measuring Percent of Error An equation used to see how accurate you are Models Are representations, description or copy of an object, system, process or concept. Two types are A)Physical Models (three dimensional)Maps, charts, globes B) Conceptual Models Mathematical (uses equations) Computer (uses equations and high speeds to display data)

8 Step V: Publish your findings This allows others scientist the opportunity to read about your hypothesis. Step VI: Peer Review Once a hypothesis is published it is reviewed by other scientists in the same field. More tests are performed to see if they get the same results. Other scientists can make recommendations or simply say it may or may not work. Step VII: Theory In everyday language a theory means a hunch or speculation. Not so in science. In science, you have to test, and retest an observation or experiment before you can call it a theory. The original idea will either be disproved, modified or excepted. Law This is not a theory any more. A law is a generalization regarding nature and how it works under certain circumstances. Scientists use these to create more theories and laws.

9 Step VIII: Interdisciplinary Science Using other sciences to assist with identifying an explanation of a natural event. By using other sciences this allows for a free flow of ideas and information that can be necessary to prove the idea.

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