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Science is a way of knowing about the world. What is science? It relies on observation and experimentation!!

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Presentation on theme: "Science is a way of knowing about the world. What is science? It relies on observation and experimentation!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science is a way of knowing about the world. What is science? It relies on observation and experimentation!!

2 The process used to find answers to questions about the world around us. What is the scientific method?

3 1. State the Question Step 1 What do you want to know or explain? Use observations to write a question.

4 Not all questions can be answered by science… Questions must: Be measurable or observable. Should not simply ask why.

5 Are these testable Questions or not? DO NOT WRITE THESE!!!!! 1.Do beans grow better in pop or orange juice? 2.Do Monarch butterflies prefer eating common milkweed or swamp milkweed? 3.Why does Mrs. VanOverbeke like the color green?

6 2. Collect information (research) Step 2 Gather information about the event or process

7 3. FORM A HYPOTHESIS HYPOTHESIS= a testable statement about the natural world Step 3 Make your hypothesis a statement NOT a question!!!

8 Step 4 4. Test the Hypothesis Develop a procedure to test the hypothesis.

9 5. RECORD & STUDY DATA Data- Recorded observations and measurements Is your data reliable? Step 5

10 6. ARRIVE AT A CONCLUSION Is your hypothesis supported by your data? This often leads to more questions and more experiments… Step 6

11 OTHER IMPORTANT STEPS Do this to make sure your conclusion is correct Do this to make sure your conclusion is correct Others must be able to repeat also Others must be able to repeat also REPEAT WORK Other important info:

12 COMMUNICATE RESULTS Scientists need to communicate with other scientists about new information and discoveries.

13  For your summary on: ◦ Choose one of the above steps/ideas (state the question, collect info, form a hypothesis etc.) and draw a picture representing that. ◦ THEN create an acrostic poem using one of our terms from today (science, question, information, communicate, etc.)

14 ◦ S – study data ◦ C – communicate results ◦ I - inquire ◦ E - evidence ◦ N – new results ◦ C - collaborate ◦ E – everywhere you look

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