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English Reading Writing Spelling Handwriting Reading Children will study both fiction, non fiction and poetry as part of literacy lessons. The texts.

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2 English Reading Writing Spelling Handwriting

3 Reading Children will study both fiction, non fiction and poetry as part of literacy lessons. The texts are at a slightly higher level than the average year four reader’s ability. Continue to practise reading at home. Please read with your child everyday if possible. Complete the record send it into school with the reading book everyday. Library books

4 Writing Children will be writing stories, plays, poems, letters, diaries, reports, instructions and explanations. Focus on the basics. Please help by making sure children use capital letters and full stops. Children will be working to develop their planning and proofreading skills

5 Spelling A printed list of spellings is provided every Friday for children to learn. From year four curriculum (some strange words). Some children will get more relevant spellings based on their ability. Learning letter strings and patterns. Look, Cover, Write and Check. Mnemonics (Big Elephants Aren’t Ugly) they are beautiful.

6 Handwriting Joined writing encouraged. Start with pencil but will get a pen as they improve. Pen Licences given when they can use pen in all work.

7 Homework One piece of Literacy homework per week. Given on Fridays and returned by Wednesday morning. Revision of grammar, comprehension or a short piece of writing. Try to pitch at right level. Please return if it is taking too long. don’t let children worry.

8 Maths Help children learn their number bonds. Times tables to 12. Spare sheets are available if you feel they need extra practice, please ask. Homework same as Literacy one piece at child’s level.

9 Topic We study science, history and geography in blocks to help children have greater continuity. Science – Moving and Growing, Habitats, Keeping Warm, Solids, liquids and separation, Friction and Electrical Circuits. History – The Tudors, Explorers and the Aztecs. Geography – St Lucia, Settlements and The Environment.

10 PE Indoor - Tuesdays. Outdoor – Fridays. PE kits – pumps, T shirt and shorts. Outdoor – Trainers and Warm clothes. Jewellery.

11 Assessment For Learning Asks children about their learning. Provides children with the opportunity to self assess their work. Uses Red, Amber and Green. Helps to focus teaching to need.

12 Good to Be Green To encourage good behaviour. To reward hard working and well behaved children. To deter disruptive behaviour. To punish consistently poor behaviour.

13 Target booklets One for maths and one for writing. Contain a guide for which children should be able to achieve at a national curriculum level. Link to our end of year reports. Children are being given targets to help them progress and be more focussed learners.

14 General Names in belongings. Large Bags. Independence. Please phone or come and see me if you have any concerns. Thanks!!

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