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September 2006 F. Richard LAL/Orsay 1 News from ELAN SC of CARE CERN September 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "September 2006 F. Richard LAL/Orsay 1 News from ELAN SC of CARE CERN September 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2006 F. Richard LAL/Orsay 1 News from ELAN SC of CARE CERN September 2006

2 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay2 Outline  The ELAN workshop in Orsay  Discussions in view of FP7  ILC at Vancouver  ELAN documents

3 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay3 2006 ILC-LETILC-LET Workshop 08 - 11 FebruaryCERN LCWS2006LCWS2006 International Linear Collider Workshop GDE Meeting GDE Meeting 09 - 13 March 09 - 11 March Bangalore, India Compton Posipol Workshop 2006 26 - 28 AprilCERN XFEL WorkshopXFEL Workshop organized by EIFastEIFast 09 - 10 MayDESY, Hamburg Electron Accelerator R&D for the Energy Frontier 15 - 17 MayOrsay, France ILCILC School 19 - 27 May Sokendai, Hayama, Japan VLCW06VLCW06 Vancouver Linear Collider Workshop 19 - 22 July Vancouver, British Columbia, HG2006 HG2006 Workshop on High Gradient RF and breakdown studies 25 - 27 SeptemberCERN International WorkshopInternational Workshop on "Thin films applied to Superconducting RF: Pushing the limits of RF Superconductivity" 09 - 12 October Legnaro National Laboratories INFN (Padua) International Linear Collider (ILC) Workshop ( ILC-ECFA and GDE Joint Meeting ) 6-10 NovemberValencia

4 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay4 Electron Accelerator R&D for the Energy Frontier  CARE/ELAN on May 15: - Plenary in the morning on laser/plasma, a proposal for a new infrastructure on SC, Progress in CLIC cavities, BDYN+INSTR… - Plenary in the morning on laser/plasma, a proposal for a new infrastructure on SC, Progress in CLIC cavities, BDYN+INSTR… - FP7 1h30 discussion in the afternoon followed - FP7 1h30 discussion in the afternoon followed by a working party (ELAN Doc. 2006-04) by a working party (ELAN Doc. 2006-04) - 4 Parallel ELAN sessions for 3h30 - 4 Parallel ELAN sessions for 3h30  EUROLEAP kick-off meeting on May 16  In // EUROTEV on May 16  Conclusions May 17 EUROLEAP

5 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay5 Plenary  Introduction: LAL Director  Laser plasma accelerators: achievements and plans (20') Brigitte Cros (LPGP/Orsay)  Progress and plans on warm cavity technology Sergio Calatroni (CERN)  Summary of the workshop on polarized positron source based on Compton back scattering Louis Rinolfi (CERN)  An SC RF Facility at CERN ? Lutz Lilje (DESY)  Achievements and plans for Instrumentation and Beam Dynamics Daniel Shulte (CERN)

6 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay6 FP7 discussion  New Inf (10') Francois Richard (LAL)  Infrastructures for R&D on SC available at CERN Sergio Calatroni (CERN)  Possible synergy with R&D for protons Jean-Pierre Delahaye (CERN)  The ELI proposal Victor Malka (LOA)  Questions and issues on an new IS for SCRF Lutz Lilje (DESY)  Proposals for JRA Francois Richard (LAL)

7 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay7 Participation: 85

8 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay8 Preparation of FP7  First discussion within ESGARD February  From Pasini: no call for I3 before end 2007 and low funding on DS and low funding on DS  Important discussions took place at the CCSG in Berlin Zeuthen beginning of May -> ELAN meeting was timely on these issues  What are our goals after CARE+EUROTEV ?  Why do we need a European SC RF facility beyond TTF ?

9 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay9 European SC RF Facility at CERN  LoI sent to the CERN-Council SG ON March 15  Participation of ELAN (L. Lilje, F.R.)  Basic idea: TTF facility (SC technology) heavily used for XFEL and should be partially replaced by a new facility dedicated to R&D on SC  CERN, as a center of excellency for SC, could house such a facility  Needs support from the CERN-Council to be inscribed by ESFRI in the roadmap inscribed by ESFRI in the roadmap

10 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay10 Vancouver Evolution on various issues (cost): Evolution on various issues (cost):  Xangles 2+20 mrad -> 14+14 mrad Not final: R&D on magnets (NbSn) strongly encouraged Not final: R&D on magnets (NbSn) strongly encouraged  Generation of e+ : re-consider ‘classical option’ Then Compton for polarized e+ Then Compton for polarized e+  1 e+ DR seems feasible  1 Tunnel option comes back …………

11 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay11

12 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay12 Conclusions  Very active period on electron accelerator R&D  Successful ELAN workshop at Orsay  ELAN is a useful tool in: - Supporting workshops on future linear colliders - Supporting workshops on future linear colliders - Promoting new techniques for acceleration - Promoting new techniques for acceleration - Preparing for FP7 - Preparing for FP7

13 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay13 Main Deliverable for 2006  Data base on diagnostics performance WP4 CCLRC, UMA  Web page connected to GDE R/ELAN_INSTR_home.htm R/ELAN_INSTR_home.htm

14 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay14 bcd:instrumentation_and_controls:instrumentation_and _controls_homebcd:instrumentation_and_controls:instrumentation_and _controls_home ILC Table of Contents Instrumentation and Controls Overview Baseline Subsystems Alternatives [] Instrumentation and Controls Introduction 10.0 The Instrumentation and Controls BCD consists of 13 sections and an introduction.The Instrumentation and Controls BCD consists of 13 sections and an introduction. Overview Baseline

15 September 2006F. Richard LAL/Orsay15 Subsystems 10.1 Controls Standard ArchitectureControls Standard Architecture 10.2 Timing systemTiming system 10.3 Diagnostic Interlock LayerDiagnostic Interlock Layer 10.4 Global Accelerator NetworkGlobal Accelerator Network 10.5 Machine Protection SystemMachine Protection System 10.6 Low Level RFLow Level RF 10.7 FeedbackFeedback 10.8 Controls - Instrumentation IntegrationControls - Instrumentation Integration 10.9 Machine Detector Interface (TBA) 10.10 Beam Position MonitorsBeam Position Monitors 10.11 Transverse Profile MonitorsTransverse Profile Monitors 10.12 Longitudinal Diagnostics System.pdfLongitudinal Diagnostics System.pdf 10.13 Special Systems (TBA) Alternatives Description Supporting Documentation Required R&D

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