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International Linear Collider The ILC is the worldwide consensus for the next major new facility. One year ago, the choice was made between the two alternate.

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Presentation on theme: "International Linear Collider The ILC is the worldwide consensus for the next major new facility. One year ago, the choice was made between the two alternate."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Linear Collider The ILC is the worldwide consensus for the next major new facility. One year ago, the choice was made between the two alternate technologies for the ILC (for superconducting version). That choice has been embraced in all regions. This year, the Global Design Effort has been established – the international body for preparing the design, cost estimate, siting criteria and experimental detectors. Barry Barish named GDE director  Regional Directors in US, Europe and Asia manage regional R&D.  Cost engineers in each region establishing a common costing framework.  Civil engineers in each region cooperatively developing site criteria.  Communications person in each region. About 25 FTEs (50 people) mostly resident in existing world labs

2 International Linear Collider 1 st International workshop in Japan (Nov. 2004) established the accelerator design work packages and inter-regional working groups. 2 nd International workshop in Snowmass CO (Aug. 2005) established the full set of questions needed for the Baseline Configuration Design. This BCD will be complete by end 2005 and placed under configuration control. Alternate configurations were established for elements where R&D could optimize the design. Detector concepts for R&D and costing were identified. All working groups are fully international. The design will be parametric – with a defined range of parameters that allow exploring cost optimization and risk reduction. GDE will prepare the Reference Design Report by end 2006. It will contain a detailed conceptual design, cost estimate with uncertainties and evaluation of constraints from several representative sites.

3 International Linear Collider US effort directed by Gerry Dugan, Americas Regional Director, who is responsible for managing the program in a similar way to Lab Directors. WB SDescriptionTOTAL ($K) 1Program Admin1,618 2Global systems2,878 3Polarized electron source532 4Positron Sources2,019 5Damping Rings2,611 6Main Linac12,959 6.1 Cavities7,373 6.2 Cryomodules716 6.3 RF systems2,298 6.4 Beam dynamics2,573 7Beam delivery system3,419 8Civil construction & site development1,364 TOTAL27,400 Americas Director has established the budget allocations for FY06. The US is participating in all major ILC subsystems. Major emphasis on developing high gradient superconducting cavities and the delivery of beams to the collision point. $7.7M M&S; $10.3M SWF; $4.9M indirects Forum of US corporations formed to begin the industrialization process has begun. Two meetings so far.

4 International Linear Collider Following the Reference Design Report, GDE will turn to the detailed engineering design (Technical Design Report) and cost estimate in 2007 – 2008. This design will be tied to specific site(s), and forms the basis for project proposal to governments. Funding Agencies for Linear Collider (FALC) group is now formed; establishing the basis for common funding for the GDE R&D phase, preparing guidelines for ILC organization, site selection procedures etc. The US is represented by Ray Orbach (DOE) and Mike Turner (NSF). A FALC Resource Board is established to do the detailed work.

5 International Linear Collider Web page formed: repository of all technical specifications, designs, cost estimates etc. General pages for information and outreach.

6 International Linear Collider The broader impact of the ILC The linear collider R&D has already provided the enabling technology that demonstrated the possibility of the LCLS 4 th generation light source (high brightness and short bunch length) Superconducting

7 International Linear Collider 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design EffortProject Baseline configuration Reference Design ILC R&D Program Technical Design Bids to Host; Site Selection; International Mgmt LHC Physics

8 International Linear Collider

9 R&D funding needed; profile; shared equally between inter- regional partners. Prepare bids to host separately in each region. Typically 10-20% of project cost for R&D phase. Europe and Japan expenditures now somewhat larger than US Cost pie chart; cost drivers ITER model lessons

10 International Linear Collider

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