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IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 CONURBANT An inclusive peer-to-peer approach.

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Presentation on theme: "IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 CONURBANT An inclusive peer-to-peer approach."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 CONURBANT An inclusive peer-to-peer approach to involve EU CONURBations and wide areas in participating to the CovenANT of Mayors

2 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 STP S.A. Alba Iulia A GOOD PRACTICE EXAMPLE

3 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 PUBLIC TRANSPORT COMPANY ALBA IULIA a private company, founded in 1979 as a former state owned company

4 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 We, Public Transport Company Alba Iulia are trying from a few years to raise the standard of local transport in the 21st century. We did invested a lot in recent years in modern buses, a new washing station, a new filling station and we are doing efforts to improve our STI*. * STI – Intelligent Transport System, according with the Directive 2010/40/EU

5 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are advanced applications which without embodying intelligence as such aim to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and traffic management and enable various users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated and smarter use of transport networks.

6 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Directive 2010/40/EU is mandatory in all UE countrys. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 27 February 2012.

7 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Our aim is that the citizens of our city can circulate in comfortable, clean, adequately heated and ventilated, with a facile access for people with disabilities and complying with a schedule that is almost second.

8 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Our aim is that the citizens of our city can circulate in comfortable, clean, adequately heated and ventilated, with a facile access for people with disabilities and complying with a schedule that is almost second.

9 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 We care about our customers' convenience. Our fleet of about 90 buses, most of the latest five years, with reduced environmental impact, air conditioning and supplementary heating system.

10 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Almost 30 % of our busses are Euro 4 and Euro 5

11 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Our newest bus is an open deck two floor bus DOUBLE DECKER

12 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 In accordance with the Law of local public transport services, Law 92/2007 art. 14: local public transport services is achieved through a specific public utility infrastructure, with transport vehicles, which together forms the local public transport system.

13 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 The transport structure comprise buses and infrastructure of utilities (special equipment tracking in traffic, etc.)

14 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 In accordance with the requirements of SR EN 13816:2003 measurement indicators and real-time performance requirements for the SR EN 15140:2006 continuous measurement of performance indicators with have implemented a automated data collection for the entire transport network.

15 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 GPRS communication system provides each vehicle with the two monitoring stations, which allows optimizing the route depending on traffic congestion, damage or injury. Because this system can guarantee passenger safety by allowing emergency calling (112) authorities: rescue, fire, police or gendarmerie.

16 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 The GPRS communication system gives information about the position of the vehicle. The data is than used to get the information on the display information table in the stations.

17 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 The GPRS communication system is unique in Romania. We are able to inform the client waiting in the station with a good accuracy about the time that he has to wait until the next bus arrives. The particularity of the system consist in that, that the whole transport network is filled with GPS circles, with a radius of about 50 meters, along the network.

18 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Once the bus is between two GPS circles, we have to differentiate between: the situation when the bus is moving (the information pane indicate the time in minutes, for example 0007) and

19 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 the bus is around the station, but is not moving, the sign on the table is <<++ the bus is not around the station, but is not moving, the sign on the table indicate the approximated time, followed by << (for example 07<<)

20 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Once the bus has entered the stations circle, on the information panel in the station the time signs will change into <<<<, which means that the bus will arrive in less of one minute. The same data is used to inform about the next station, in the bus. The information panels are dynamic.

21 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 The information table in the station

22 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 From this year on, we have introduced the vocal announcement system, which inform audible the client in the station with the time to arrive the next bus and on which line. This is very helpful for the people with visual disabilities. This is named VOICE BOX.

23 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Part of the informatics system is the ticketing system We are using tree methods to sell tickets to our customers. We are using special paper tickets, sold from automated devices in the stations, special places or in the bus.

24 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 2. We are using special cards (contactless), sold from special places. The same cards can be used to pay anothers person trip. They can be also used as pre-pay subscriptions.

25 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Both of the two ticketing methods mentioned above operate with the dual validation device on the bus.

26 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 The back of the cards is high quality printed in Germany. We are printing, as part of the mobility card manufacture, only the main face of the card.

27 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 3. SMS* ticketing. * Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems

28 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Part of our concern about our clients, we have adopted the 1 hour trip time. Once you have validated your ticket, your card or you have purchased a SMS ticket you can travel with our buses one hour, on all lines.

29 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 We are looking for the implementation of the latest technologies, the best practices around the world to achieve our goals. Part of this process we have implemented and certified various management systems, according with international standards.

30 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 In the centre of our work is the customer satisfaction. Nowadays we are part of an European Project, co-funded by I.E.E. (Intelligent Energy Europe). The project acronym is ENERQI aims to improve public transport by using observations of customers regarding quality.

31 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 In order to achieve customer satisfaction, we provide different methods for the clients to communicate with us.

32 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Maybe one of the most revolutionary methods is the free of charge phone line.

33 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Another method is by using our web site.

34 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Buses are also equipped with a camera for monitoring doors and passenger safety. The video cameraThe video display

35 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 We have built our own fuel filling station. The filling process is fully automated. All the busses have a own identifying device. Once the bus is on the platform, the station can validate the filling. The amount of fuel, the license number of the bus and together with the name of the driver are passed to the station PC. We can analyze the fuel consumption of the bus in real time.

36 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011

37 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 We have a next generation washing facility that allows us provide in service busses washed twice daily. We are using for the cleaning of the inner of the bus the latest technologies, which has emerged from commercial aviation.

38 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 In this year we have become the owner of the main bus station of the city of Alba Iulia

39 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 We are aiming to build a new one, placed instead of the old one, which is intended to be a node between the local, county and national transportation systems

40 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Thank you for Your Attention!! Eng. (PhD) Dan DARJA Technical Manager STP S.A. Alba Iulia

41 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 Project Meeting and Training Session with Study Tour Alba Iulia - November 2/3/4 2011 Questions?

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