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IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 CONURBANT An inclusive peer-to-peer approach to involve EU CONURBations and wide.

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Presentation on theme: "IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 CONURBANT An inclusive peer-to-peer approach to involve EU CONURBations and wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 CONURBANT An inclusive peer-to-peer approach to involve EU CONURBations and wide areas in participating to the CovenANT of Mayors SEAP IMPLEMENTATION EXPERIENCE OF TIMIŞOARA MUNICIPALITY Iudit BERE – SEMEREDI Adrian BERE – SEMEREDI Environmental Directorate – City Hall of Timişoara VICENZA, MAY 30/31, JUNE 1 ST 2011

2 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 The Climate Change Strategy and Strategic Action Plan regarding fighting, mitigation and adaptation measures against Climate Change effects in Timişoara was approved on 29 th of June 2010, being a part of local government policy.

3 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 THE SEAP OBJECTIVES Timişoara Municipality Environment Action Plan provides a framework within Timişoaras environment can be managed in a sound and sustainable manner. Central to the definition of this framework is the recognition of the cross-sectorial nature of our environmental problems, the identification of relationships which exist between the environment and key sectors within the overall macro-economic framework, and the need for active and lasting community involvement and participation in environmental protection and natural resource management

4 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 Provide a state-of knowledge overview of the environmental conditions in the city, identify, prioritize and where possible quantify environmental problems; Propose solutions to immediate environmental problems in the form of programs and projects, and institutional and local decision and regulations reforms, with consideration of their funding requirements and their human resource/capacity- building needs; Establish a clear indication of municipalitys priority areas with respect to the environment; Establish a framework which provides coherent direction for the process of environmental monitoring and action planning in the future;

5 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 Timişoara - CO 2 emmision in tones equivalent /capita – 5,08 2008 CO 2 Emission Inventory

6 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 SEAP IMPLEMENTATION MECHANISM IN TIMIŞOARA The implementation mechanism and plan were developed as an integral part of the SEAP. In it, the City Hall of Timişoara appointed the team responsible for implementation. The environment issues and problems which were identified, were prioritized (short, medium and long term actions) with the intention of focusing attention on essentials actions that need to be taken over the next 5-10 years in order to ensure sustainable development. These priorities and activities were organized under 8 Program Areas - corresponding to 8 relevant sectors.

7 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011

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9 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011

10 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011

11 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011

12 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 Local emission target reduction for Timişoara 20% having 2008 as baseline

13 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 These are: Capacity building for effective environment management Efficient resource use for increasing productivity Households efficiency programs; Greener local transport; Green procurement, Waste management, pollution control and environmental health; Environmental education, public awareness and participation Each sector has its own goals, and provides a list of specific activities and measures, which need to be undertaken within the next 5-10 years in order to achieve its goals.

14 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 PROGRESS OF SEAP IMPLEMENTATION An important part of SEAP implementation is the regular monitoring, that offers the possibility of efficient adaptation actions to the different situations that may occur during the evaluated period; The implementation Report must contain quantified information about energy consumption, CO2 emissions, corrective and preventive measures in order to improve the future implementation; Establishing relevant indicators, for each sector, for an efficient monitoring and facile quantifying of collected data;

15 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 Requirements A team responsible for implementation of SEAP, in which each member is responsible for the coordination and monitoring of one relevant sector (a part or specific task); Establishing a strict procedure with deadlines (quality system could be a useful tool); Good internal and external communication; Organize the calendar of activities, meeting, awareness campaigns with stakeholders; Motivation of the stakeholders to carry out various activities; Exchanging experience and best practices, networking; Continuous informing of local council, citizens and interested parts about the implementation progress; Continuous training programs;

16 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 Local sustainable development, sustainable action plan has become a popular catchphrase with hundreds of local authorities engaging in various activities around this topic. We all do sustainable development now, but are we doing it well? Benchmarking our activities against those undertaken by other local government is essential, but long term cooperation with them an networking is crucial. Information, experience and best practice exchanges are essential;

17 IEE/10/380/SI2.589427 CONURBANT Kick off meeting, Vicenza May 30/31, 2011 Thank you for your attention !, Tel/Fax: +40 256 408 451

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