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From the Initial Idea to the Finished Product. How to Produce an Effective Essay.

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Presentation on theme: "From the Initial Idea to the Finished Product. How to Produce an Effective Essay."— Presentation transcript:

1 From the Initial Idea to the Finished Product. How to Produce an Effective Essay.

2 Assumptions by the end of this presentation That you have a basic understanding of what the IB Extended Essay is about. That you have thought about the subject and topic area in which you wish to undertake your EE. That you will begin doing some research into your subject choice (probably in one of your Higher subjects ) in order to develop a draft title. Only if you have a draft title or TOPIC AREA you will you be able to gain a supervisor in January.

3 Background and Basics All IB Diploma students have to submit an Extended Essay of 4000 words. In addition there will be an abstract of 300 words. Non-IB Diploma students must submit an Extended Essay of 2000 to 2500 words. Can it be in any IB Subject (?) Can not be on the same topic as another piece of internal assessment you are submitting as part of the IB? Students must have an Extended Essay Supervisor who will guide them through the requirements of the essay. This will probably be one of your class teachers.

4 Background and Basics The supervisor must be a teacher at Bangkok Patana School and will spend approximately 2-6 hours advising you over the whole process. You can not use an outside tutor. The IB recommends you should spend about 40 hours on the essay. It is your responsibility to arrange regular meetings with your supervisor and to keep to all deadlines set by them (see booklet). You must also ensure that you arrive prepared. Your supervisor does not have the time to have unproductive meetings with you. Failure to meet deadlines will put the entire Diploma in question. You have until November to complete the essay but you will need to work consistently throughout the process.

5 Background and Basics You need to research independently and extensively using a minimum of ten sources. (except in Language A1) Commit regular time to work on your Extended Essay. Extended Essays chosen in a Group 1 or 2 language must be written in that language. (language comparison studies are great for bilingual Diploma students) The Extended Essay is marked in sections out of a total of 36 marks. The supervisor is there to guide you but it is your essay. Do not expect them to choose all readings, decide on the exact title, edit multiple drafts in detail etc.

6 Background and Basics Ensure that your focus is narrow enough to allow for in depth development in 4000 words. Discuss this with your supervisor and ask to see previous Extended Essays in your subject area. All previous essays are kept in my office and can be read in the college/careers area. Plagiarism in the Extended Essay and in all IB subjects is taken very seriously and can result in a failed Diploma. The maximum grade for an Extended Essay is A. The minimum is E. An E in both the Extended Essay and TOK is a failing condition of the Diploma. Other combinations of grades can gain up to 3 bonus points.

7 Between now and the End of Year 12 Ensure that you arrange regular meeting times with your supervisor once they are assigned in January. The frequency and length of the meetings is for you and them to decide. It should be at least monthly. It is your responsibility to attend, to complete the necessary reading and to initiate discussions. Commit regular time in school to work on the essay as well as at home (1 double period per fortnight is recommended) Make sure you do not lose your ‘little green book’ once you get it in January.

8 Between now and the End of Year 12 Make sure that your supervisor is happy with your final question and approach to it. If you can not find resources or are unsure of the direction you are taking you must inform them. Actively search for sources. Contact libraries, companies, individuals, universities in Thailand and abroad, complete surveys etc. If you are planning to go to your home country in July ask your local university in advance if you can use their library, speak to professors etc. Please don’t risk your Diploma by doing nothing until the last minute. The deadlines are non- negotiable. No-one must fail their Diploma over the Extended Essay. They haven’t here, Yet!!!

9 Between now and the End of Year 12 continued Familiarise yourself with the criteria for assessment (see booklets when you get them) Focus tightly on the criteria. Do not throw away marks through not following technical requirements of the essay eg word limit, page numbering, contents page, abstract etc (this is frequently commented on in reports eg History May 2005. Presentation is very important) Remember that you will be expected to make a presentation on ‘your Extended Essay to date’ at the end of Year 12 to a group of your peers and supervisor.

10 Final Recommendations When you have secured a supervisor talk to them regarding: The research question. The abstract. Formal presentation and referencing. Always set yourselves targets. (see booklet) Stick to the deadlines outlined in the back of the ‘little green book’ and look carefully at the level descriptors and discuss what you need to do to attain the higher levels. Remember the best essays are clear, well researched, are linked closely to the criteria and show some originality. Ask your supervisor to go through the subject specific Extended essay report with you. Refer to this power point on Year 12/Tutorial/Link and learn as necessary or see me if you haven’t got a supervisor by the end of the designated week.

11 And remember The EE is more important than just the final product!!!

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