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資二忠班 製作:李紘宇、謝育廷、陳暐迪 指導老師:賴宣羽 老師

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1 資二忠班 製作:李紘宇、謝育廷、陳暐迪 指導老師:賴宣羽 老師
主題:當英文遇上閱讀 資二忠班 製作:李紘宇、謝育廷、陳暐迪 指導老師:賴宣羽 老師

2 The First Letter 中文翻譯:陳奇鑫 英文跟讀、解說:林山恩

3 Dear Dr. Know-all, I have a big problem and feel very troubled. I am a college student now. I met a girl two months ago, and I like her very much. She is much more beautiful than any other girl I have met. However, she is a junior high school student, six years younger than me. Besides, she is in the third year of junior high, and has less and less free time. I can just write a letter to her everyday, and talk to her on the phone once a week, but her father is very angry about this. He says that his daughter is just a student and shouldn‘t have a boyfriend. I don’t want to bring my first love to an end? Please tell me what I can do. Sad Boy

4 The Second Letter 中文翻譯:陳昱翔 英文跟讀、解說:陳沅颉

5 Dear Sad Boy, I can really understand your feeling. You love your girlfriend, and don’t want to hurt her and her family. She is just a junior high school student, so you should encourage her to concentrate on her studies and all you can do for her is to wait. But you are still young, you also have your own future. Don’t limit yourself, and you can get more chances. Dr. Know-all

6 Answer the question 問題與討論:陳暐迪

7 Q&A 1.Who like the girl?

8 Q&A 2.The girl’s dad is so angry. Why ?

9 Q&A 3. Look at the first letter. Who writes to Dr. Know-all?

10 Q&A 4.Which is TRUE? (two answers) A. Sad Boy is young than the girl.
B. Sad Boy is older than the girl. C. The girl is young than Sad Boy. D. The girl is older than Sad Boy.

11 Thank you so much! to everyone~~~

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