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Middle Ages. The Middle Ages: 500 – 1500 The Medieval Period Rise of the Middle Ages Decline of the Roman Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle Ages. The Middle Ages: 500 – 1500 The Medieval Period Rise of the Middle Ages Decline of the Roman Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle Ages

2 The Middle Ages: 500 – 1500 The Medieval Period Rise of the Middle Ages Decline of the Roman Empire


4 Early Middle Ages 450 - 1050

5 Germanic Peoples Roman empire overran by Germanic groups Breakdown of trade Cities abandoned – no longer center of economy/administration Population became rural Decline of literacy – priests were the few that were literate Breakup of unified empire – language began to change, no longer ________. End of Democracy

6 Somehow, the church survived the fall – provided some security

7 Power of the Church Provided a unifying set of spiritual beliefs and rituals Created a system of justice to guide peoples conduct – Cannon Law – the law of the church  excommunication – banishment

8 The largest was the Franks (Germanic people) - Gaul Held together by loyalty! Unwritten rules! After decline small Germanic kingdoms replaced Roman provinces

9 Franks lead by Clovis – first Christian king in Roman Empire Area that is now France Frank kingdom and church came together! By 600 many now converted~!

10 Monasteries – religious communities – monks gave up possessions and devoted self to God Convents – for women - nuns

11 Benedict – Monk – wrote a book on rules Scholastica – Adapted the same rules for her convent Pope’s palace center of Roman government

12 Charlemagne Also known as Charles the Great - Emperor Conquered lands, fought many armies Reunited Western Europe – first time since Roman Empire!!! Greatest empire since the days of ancient Rome! Promoted education – opened a palace school Charlemagne son weak and bad leader – so three grandsons divided empire

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14 Treaty of Verdun – divided the empire into three kingdoms Treaty of Verdun – divided the empire into three kingdoms Lack of strong rulers led to a new system…. __________________? Lack of strong rulers led to a new system…. __________________? Feudalism Feudalism

15 Vikings Attack 800-100 – Muslim invaders raided Italy Was soon destroyed by invaders who would attack by sea Vikings – Germanic people called Norsemen From Scandinavia Worshipped warlike gods Warriors, traders, farmers, and explorers


17 Feudalism Think of a chess set

18 Feudalism Based on mutual obligation Military protection Provide knights in times of war service Fiefs – land grants protection

19 Feudalism Based on rights and obligation Lord – Landowner Fief – the land Vassal – person receiving the land Knights – mounted horsemen who defended lords Serf – bound to the land, but not slaves - laborers

20 Feudalism Manors The lords estate  The lord provided the serfs with housing, farmland and protection  Serfs tended the lands, cared for the animals, maintained the estate

21 Feudalism Manors  Peasants rarely traveled more than 25 miles from the manor  Was home to 15 – 30 families  Self-Sufficient community  Peasants heavily taxed, including a tithe – a church tax of 1/10 their income

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