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By Gianna, Owen, Claire, and Colin Force  Force is a push or a pull  Force can cause something to speed up, to slow down to change direction, or to.

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Presentation on theme: "By Gianna, Owen, Claire, and Colin Force  Force is a push or a pull  Force can cause something to speed up, to slow down to change direction, or to."— Presentation transcript:


2 By Gianna, Owen, Claire, and Colin

3 Force  Force is a push or a pull  Force can cause something to speed up, to slow down to change direction, or to stop moving  Ex. An example of force is when a roller coaster is going down the hill

4 Gravity  Gravity is force that is always working on objects on Earth. It is the force that pulls us and everything around us toward the center of the Earth.  An apple falling from a tree is an example of gravity.

5 Gravitation  Gravitation is different than gravity. It is the universal pull of all objects on one another, causing them to move closer together.  Objects with larger masses have a greater pull. As distance between objects increases, gravitational pull decreases.

6 Newtons  All force is measured in newtons.  A Newton is a metric unit for forces including weight.

7 Motion  Motion is measured by the change of position of an object.  One example of motion is a ball rolling down a hill. During such motion, the ball’s kinetic energy is increasing and its potential energy is decreasing.

8 Speed  Speed is the measure of how far something moves during a certain period of time.  Speed = distance divided by time.

9 Average Speed  Average Speed is the measure of the total distance of an object has moved div i d e d b y t h e t o t a l t i m e e l a p s e d.

10 Velocity  Velocity is the speed of an object with a given direction.  In physics, velocity is the measurement of the rate and direction of change in position o an object.

11 Acceleration  Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. This can be a change in speed, direction, or both.

12 Momentum  Momentum is mass times velocity.

13 Questions  What is the measure of how far something moves during a certain period of time? A. Velocity B. Speed C. Acceleration

14 Questions  What is measured by the change of position of an object? A. Motion B. Force C. Average Speed

15 Questions  What is mass times velocity? A. Gravity B. Motion C. Momentum

16 Questions  What is the rate of change in velocity. That can be changed in speed, direction, or both? A. Acceleration B. Gravitation C. Newton


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