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Force, Energy & Motion Science. Things around you that you can use to describe motion.

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Presentation on theme: "Force, Energy & Motion Science. Things around you that you can use to describe motion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Force, Energy & Motion Science

2 Things around you that you can use to describe motion

3 frame of reference

4 Motion that is described based on a frame of reference

5 Relative motion

6 Metric unit of force

7 newton

8 Measure of the force of gravity on an object

9 weight

10 Force that keeps two objects that are touching each other from sliding past each other.

11 friction

12 Describes a certain place

13 position

14 Any change in position

15 motion

16 Measure of an object’s change in position during a unit of time

17 speed

18 any push or pull

19 force

20 speed direction Change in the speed or direction of an object’s motion

21 acceleration

22 Force that pulls all objects toward each other

23 gravity

24 To find a runner’s speed, you need to know the distance he or she ran and the -

25 time it took

26 When you watch a football game from a seat near the top of the stadium, your position and all the things around you are part of your-

27 Frame of reference

28 When you push a grocery cart, you are exerting -

29 force

30 Motion is stopped and started by-

31 forces

32 Riding down a hill on your bike, slowing down, and turning are all examples of-

33 acceleration

34 To go faster on a skateboard, you need to push it with more force or push with the same force for-

35 a longer time

36 To measure force, you can use a -

37 spring scale

38 What can you pick up by exerting just 1 newton of force?

39 an apple

40 Energy may exist in many states. Two of them are -

41 kinetic and potential

42 Kinetic energy is the energy of-

43 motion

44 Potential energy is -

45 stored energy

46 The greater the force -

47 the greater the change in motion will be

48 The more massive an object-

49 the less effect a given force will have on an object

50 Friction creates-

51 heat (and resistance)

52 Unless acted upon by a _______, objects at motion tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest.

53 force


55 potential energy


57 kinetic energy

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