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Treasurer’s Report IEEE-Region 4-Jan08 [01] Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Region 4 – Central USA Treasurer’s Report e-Meeting - January,

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Presentation on theme: "Treasurer’s Report IEEE-Region 4-Jan08 [01] Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Region 4 – Central USA Treasurer’s Report e-Meeting - January,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Treasurer’s Report IEEE-Region 4-Jan08 [01] Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Region 4 – Central USA Treasurer’s Report e-Meeting - January, 2008 Prepared By – Region 4 Treasurer Sat Basu [] January 03, 2008

2 Treasurer’s Report IEEE-Region 4-Jan08 [02] Responsibilities - I => Handle Region 4 Finances Prepare Balanced Budget for the Year –Coordinate with R4 Ex-Com Members for Budget Inputs –Obtain Region Committee Approval Develop new tools to provide –Financial Visibility –Up-to-date financial standing –Budget VS Actual Revenue and Expense Prepare Annual L-50 R4 Finance Report Prepare Various Financial Reports as necessary

3 Treasurer’s Report IEEE-Region 4-Jan08 [03] Responsibilities - II => Coordinate on Financial Issues Discuss with RAB Treasurer on Funding Obtain RAB and Other IEEE Funding Approve Concentration Banking Transactions Approve Transfer of Funds to and from Investments Recommend Strategic Planning Finances as needed Sponsor Region 4 Conferences Recommend Finances to Sections as needed Provide Finance Information and Guidance to Sections Offer Partial Sponsorship for Section Organized Conferences

4 Treasurer’s Report IEEE-Region 4-Jan08 [04] Responsibilities - III => Develop and Maintain Financial Policy Develop/Modify Travel Policy –Transportation - Plane, Train, Bus, Car –Meal - Food, Beverage, Social and other –Entertainment - Personal, and Official Guests –Accommodation – Hotel, Youth Hostel, Dormitory, other Develop/Modify Funding Policy –Funds for Units - Sections, Chapters, Student Branches, Affinity groups –Funds for Activities - Communication, Education, Membership, Professional, Student, Technical

5 Treasurer’s Report IEEE-Region 4-Jan08 [05] Accomplishments 2007 Region 4 Financial Picture – A New Spread-Sheet –All Revenue and Expenses Details –Activity Budget –Region 4 Budget Versus Actual 2008 Budget Items prepared and coordinated Prepared Region 4 L50 Annual Financial Report Prepared Treasurer Training Material for e-Meeting Negotiated & significantly reduced EIT2007 hotel Cost Recommended Lower Cost Facility for R4 Meetings

6 Treasurer’s Report IEEE-Region 4-Jan08 [06] Plans 2008 Determine New ways to Reduce Cost Recommend Section Congress Expenses be handled by RAB [MGAB] Since Region does not have influence for Location, Accommodation or any other costs Advise Region 4 shall follow strict Financial Guidelines. All exceptions would require approval from the Director, Director- Elect, Executive Committee and/or Region Committee Line up Region 4 Budget Items with L50 Items Maintain Region 4 Financial Record Keeping for Direct preparation of IEEE Annual Financial report L50 Continue Support to Region 4 Units Cut/Reduce Operational Costs

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