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Revision for F214 exam. Lessons until 25 th January 4 th – 7 th Jan – revise excretion, photosynthesis, homeostasis, hormones and nerves 11 th – 14 th.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision for F214 exam. Lessons until 25 th January 4 th – 7 th Jan – revise excretion, photosynthesis, homeostasis, hormones and nerves 11 th – 14 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision for F214 exam

2 Lessons until 25 th January 4 th – 7 th Jan – revise excretion, photosynthesis, homeostasis, hormones and nerves 11 th – 14 th Jan – revise respiration and improve practical skills + mock exam 18 th – 21 st Jan – go over exam paper + practice exam questions

3 Checking your progress Do you know all the facts? Can you link topics including AS material? Do you follow the question instructions? E.g. state, explain, suggest, compare, calculate, read a passage, use information from graphs

4 Excretion Explain why excretion is necessary in all living organisms 3 marks

5 Explain why excretion is necessary Excretion is the removal of metabolic waste from the body (compare with egestion) Metabolic wastes are by-products of normal cell processes i.e. they are molecules made by reactions in cells Metabolic wastes are toxic if allowed to accumulate. e.g. carbon dioxide from respiration excreted by lungs e.g. waste containing nitrogen such as urea excreted by kidneys

6 Liver structure and function 1)Basic knowledge a) State how urea is formed b) Explain why fish do not produce urea c) Draw and label a transverse section of a liver lobule d) Describe and explain the flow of blood through a liver lobule e) Describe the role of the liver in detoxification of molecules other than excess amino acids 2) How could these topics be linked with the liver? a) protein structure b) cell structure c) respiration d) homeostasis e) blood glucose concentration

7 Ornithine cycle to convert ammonia into urea

8 Liver blood supply and internal structure

9 Internal structure of the liver

10 Histology of Liver Lobules central vein = intra-lobular vein or branch of hepatic vein.

11 You should recognise these tissues.

12 Detoxification of alcohol ethanol  ethanal  ethanoic acid NAD removes hydrogen atoms and carries them to the mitochondrion enzyme = dehydrogenase Ethanoic acid enters mitochondrion (Kreb’s cycle in the matrix)

13 Describe the features which show this hepatocyte is a very active, absorbing and secreting cell

14 the control of blood glucose Homeostasis – maintaining the internal environment stable within certain limits by negative feedback Negative feedback - a change produces a response which eliminates the change; this needs a receptor which detects a stimulus, an effector which responds and communication between them e.g. nerves or hormones Diabetes – homeostasis is not working for blood glucose concentration


16 Kidney structure and function 1)Basic knowledge a)Draw and label a nephron to show its position in the kidney and the function of each part. b)Explain the role of podocytes in ultrafiltration. c)Explain why selective reabsorption is needed and how it happens d)Explain how the kidney medulla carries out osmoregulation e)State 2 ways of treating kidney failure f)Describe 3 reasons for taking a urine sample. 2) How does this link with AS work on cell structure, cell membranes and the immune reaction? And with A2 work on respiration and homeostasis?

17 Kidney Structure

18 Dialyser Why do blood and dialysis fluid flow in opposite directions? What would you put in dialysis fluid and why?

19 Why is heparin added to the blood? Why are air bubbles removed? Why is temp. maintained at 37°C?

20 Kidney Tranplants &NR=1 &NR=1

21 Pregnancy Testing for human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG)

22 Testing for Anabolic Steroids.

23 A urine sample is tested via gas chromatography or mass spectrometry. Each vaporised substance is dissolved in gas and passed down a tube. Each substance remains dissolved for a specific retention time and is then absorbed at the point it has reached in the tube and can be matched against standards.

24 Homeostasis Maintaining a stable internal environment in the tissue fluid around cells e.g. temperature, glucose concentration, water Fluctuations within narrow limits through negative feedback Needs a receptor to detect the change and an effector to eliminate the change and information between the two

25 Can you explain this? Humans produce a lower volume of more concentrated urine when the weather is hot or they have been exercising.

26 Change in urine concentration and volume Sweat  loss of water via skin  evaporation removes heat from blood (control of body temperature) Water content of blood lower / lower water potential Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus stimulated ADH released into blood ADH binds with complementary receptors in membranes of cells in wall of collecting duct Active phosphorylase enzymes Protein channels in cell membranes increase Water moves by osmosis down a water potential gradient from collecting duct of nephron to medulla and then into blood in capillaries Urine has lower volume and higher concentration Blood concentration / water potential returns to normal Example of homeostasis and negative feedback

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