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INDUCTION EXCHANGES: UNIVERSITY INDUCTION Brought to you by the Central Induction team in Student Careers and Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "INDUCTION EXCHANGES: UNIVERSITY INDUCTION Brought to you by the Central Induction team in Student Careers and Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 INDUCTION EXCHANGES: UNIVERSITY INDUCTION Brought to you by the Central Induction team in Student Careers and Skills


3 WHAT DO WE DO? ● Our main outputs are events and communications. The events that we put on include:  Arrivals Weekend  PG Welcome Week  Welcome receptions for PGTs and PGRs, January and May ● Communications include:  Pre-arrival induction guides (PG + UG)  Pre-arrival emails, mid-August to early October  The Welcome to Warwick website (complete with hidden staff pages) ● We also liaise with stakeholders around the university to ensure that students’ transition process is as smooth as possible.

4 WHO DO WE WORK CLOSELY WITH? - The International Office - The Graduate School - SARO - The Library’s Community Engagement Team - Marketing - Enrolment

5 INDUCTION STRATEGY STEERING GROUP (ISSG) To ensure that our activity remains responsive to the needs of the university, the Induction team is overseen by ISSG, a committee with representatives from academic departments as well as central services. This committee feeds into AQSC (Academic Quality and Standards Committee).

6 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR INDUCTION - This is a guidance document for use by academic and non-academic departments - It was an idea that emerged from ISSG - It suggests what information/services should be provided to students as a minimum and records which departments/teams deliver or communicate about these - There is a copy in your pack

7 TRANSITION INTO WARWICK CONFERENCE - Save the date: Wednesday, 23 rd September 2015 - The aim of the conference is to: - facilitate academic departments to exchange ideas and practice around induction - to discuss the proposed Week 0 for undergraduates - to understand the various university induction packages available to postgraduates - to discuss the application of the guidance document Minimum Requirements for Induction - to explore how better, more nuanced communication with students can ensure their several transitions are accomplished smoothly

8 POSTGRADUATE WELCOME WEEK, 26 SEPT – 2 OCT - As of September 2013, postgraduates WA contracts start the weekend of Week 0 - This year students can choose between Welcome Week, Welcome Week + and Orientation - 5 teams are working in collaboration to put on these welcome events:  Central Induction  The Graduate School  The Library Community Engagement Team  The International Office  The Students’ Union

9 CHECK THE SCHEDULE - Any initial comments? - Is there anything which clashes with major events you are holding? - Please take it back to your colleagues and feed back to us by the end of the week.

10 THE INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: ORIENTATION “I found everything useful! Keep the great spirit and energy of the team which was the best part of it” “Finish doing necessary things such as registration and opening a bank account in an organised way” “Getting to know international students and forming a reliable group of friends” “The helpers were all very helpful and friendly. It was such a warm welcoming to me as a postgraduate student.”

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