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Student Schedule Report: CBM00S Julie Eklund, PhD Interim Assistant Commissioner Strategic Planning and Funding CBM Manual Update, July 15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Schedule Report: CBM00S Julie Eklund, PhD Interim Assistant Commissioner Strategic Planning and Funding CBM Manual Update, July 15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Schedule Report: CBM00S Julie Eklund, PhD Interim Assistant Commissioner Strategic Planning and Funding CBM Manual Update, July 15, 2015

2 Student Schedule Report: CBM00S Developed thanks to a federal grant to enhance State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) Institutions were provided funding from the grant for the additional programming required Student transcript information is included to allow for in-depth studies of student outcomes Report is also used to collect information about developmental education, dual credit Reason for Report 2

3 Student Schedule Report: CBM00S End of Semester Report Collects a record for each student in each class taken so includes elements of the student report and the course report (SCHs are collected, for example). Matches to the CBM0E1 How the Report is Structured 2

4 Student Schedule Report: CBM00S Different Type of Instruction and Classification Options (Items 7 & 8) Additional Items on Contact hours (14&15) for CTCs Location code and instruction mode options vary Differences are similar to 001 and 004/0E1 Items #18 Univ/#21 CTC forward are more aligned and are the focus of this discussion Differences between CTC and University Version 2

5 ITEM #18 UNIV/#21 CTC Item #21 High School Credit Status. Enter the high school credit status for the student in this report (information about reporting dual credit students is in the introduction). 0 Not a HS student 1 Student is not yet HS graduate, course reported is for dual credit 2 Student is not yet HS graduate, course reported is for college credit only 5

6 ITEM #19 UNIV/#22 CTC DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATION COURSE/INTERVENTION LEVEL. 0 Not a developmental course/intervention (exception: report a college-level course in a co-requisite model as option ‘8’) 1 Developmental course 4 Developmental intervention, including NCBOs (not self- paced or co-requisite model) 7 Self-paced course or intervention (for example, emporium or module-based) 8 Co-requisite or paired course or intervention (use this option for both sections of the co-requisite course. Do NOT report students under this option unless concurrently enrolled in both DE and college-level as part of a co-requisite model in the same semester/reporting period) 6

7 ITEM #20 UNIV/#23 CTC FIRST COLLEGE-LEVEL COURSE (FCL). 0 Previously reported as successfully completing first college-level course or not applicable 1 Math 2 Reading intensive 3 Writing intensive 4 Reading and Writing intensive First CL course voluntary guidelines are located here: FID=29011180&CFTOKEN=40184353 (Appendix Q) FID=29011180&CFTOKEN=40184353 7

8 ITEM #21/#24 COURSE GRADE 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 F (No Credit) 6 I (Incomplete) 7 W (Withdrawn or Drop) 8 Credit/Passed 9 E for Effort or In Progress (No Credit) Deved Only N No credit/Did not pass X Instructor did not provide a grade 8

9 ITEM #22/#25 POINT VALUE OF GRADE Based on a 4-point system, enter the grade point value earned for this course (as entered in Item #21) completed for the reporting period (e.g., A 3.8 will be recorded as ‘380’ and an F will be reported as ‘000’). If a grade other than A through F is earned for this course, leave this item blank. NOTE: Do NOT report the student’s overall GPA; this is the grade point value for the course 9

10 NON-COURSE-BASED OPTIONS (NCBO)FOR DE Semester to semester you must report as separate interventions. You cannot get funding for the same intervention more than once You may report on only the CBM002 if funding is not being requested; you must report on the CBM00S, 001, 004, 0E1, to get funding Institutions should be reporting with decimal places when appropriate (no crosswalk needed now that decimal places are allowed on all reports for SCH) 10

11 NON-COURSE-BASED OPTIONS (CONTINUED) NCBOs may be offered just prior to a semester and reported for that semester (for example, offered a week or two before the fall semester starts and reported in fall) In this instance, if the student was not TSI met before the NCBO was offered and is met after the NCBO is completed, you may report the student as not met on the CBM002 item #20/#40/#60 and then on item #24/#44/#64 report the student as met during the semester 11

12 FLEX ENTRY Institutions are generally doing a good job reporting Flex Entry students, based on our records. This population grows every year There is a Flex Entry example table in Appendix P of the manuals; there is also an example table for excess hours A Flex Entry record is not necessary on the CBM00S and CBM002 if the course is finished in the same semester it started 12

13 COURSE BEGIN DATE Item #31 Class Begin Date. Enter all four digits of the year, the month, and day of the first scheduled day for this course (YYYYMMDD). For a semester-length course, use the beginning of term date as the beginning date. For compressed courses, classes that begin prior to the first day of term and for classes that begin after the census day of the term, use the actual first day of class. 13

14 COURSE END DATE Item #32 Class End Date. Enter all four digits of the year, the month, and day of the last scheduled class for this course (YYYYMMDD). For a semester-length course, use the end of term date as the ending date. For a compressed course, classes that begin prior to the first day of term and for classes that begin after the census day of the term, use the actual last class day. 14


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