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4.1 The Virginia Colony. The English Colonies The Drive to Colonize  The desire to colonize led to the development of joint- stock companies oDesirable.

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1 4.1 The Virginia Colony


3 The English Colonies The Drive to Colonize  The desire to colonize led to the development of joint- stock companies oDesirable to people due to the enclosure movement in England and desire to make money - Video Video Settlement in Jamestown (sent by London Company to make $$$ not to colonize)  April 1607 (3 ships and 105 men – NO WOMEN) oFounded Jamestown (after James I of England)  Poor location (swamps, salty water, etc)  Men more interested in gold than work (no survival skills)  2/3 of men dead by winter  John Smith took control and improved conditions (planting crops and better buildings)  Video Jamestown and John Smith Jamestown

4 Jamestown and John Smith

5 Powhatan Confederacy  Alliance of Algonquin Indians under the leadership of Wahunsonacock o Sometimes provided food for colonists o Colonists stole food at times (this is the start of a pattern of abuse by white men towards the Indians) - video video The Starving Time  By 1609 400 settlers arrived in Jamestown o (John Smith returned to England due to injury)  With no leader, only 60 people still alive by summer 1610 - video video Tobacco saves the colony  John Rolfe introduced a sweeter variety of tobacco to the colony and it is sold back in England  King James I thought smoking was disgusting  It produces a large profit

6 War in Virginia  *Peace between Indians and colonists is achieved when John Rolfe marries Pocahontas*  *After her death in England (1617) and Wahunsonacock(1618) things fell apart* o Colonists are not dependant on Powhatan for food o Colonists want to use Indian land for tobacco  This leads to a 20 year war between Colonists and Indians (killing 350 – including John Rolfe)  Opechancanough (Wahunsonacock’s brother) led two big attacks on the colonists- he was killed in the last attack and by 1646, the war was over.  *In the end, the London Company can’t support or protect the settlers. The Charter is cancelled and it becomes a royal colony under a governor appointed by the king*

7 John Rolf and Tobacco

8 Daily Life in Virginia (scattered farms, not towns)  A tobacco culture founded on plantations o Headright system (allows plantations to form) oEach person who paid their own way to Virginia received 50 acres of land plus 50 additional acres for each person brought over (favored the wealthy) oWomen didn’t arrive in Jamestown until 1619 and were outnumbered by men 7 to 1 oThe London Company tries to recruit women, but diseases usually destroyed the families oFamilies provided for themselves (food, shelter, clothing) and made everything by hand oParents taught reading and religion oHigh death rate - video video


10 Labor Problems  High death rates led to labor shortage and only wealthy could afford to come to America o Indentured Servants  Signed a contract to work for a period of time (4-7 years) in exchange to a trip to Virginia (75% of population was indentured servants) Many died due to the harsh conditions Many died due to the harsh conditions  Africans in Virginia  Many were indentured servants at first (cheaper than buying slaves)  Eventually most Africans were enslaved due the wealth created on plantations (tobacco)

11 Bacon’s Rebellion (late 1600’s)  People complaining that the House of Burgess (elected assembly) only raised taxes for themselves – salaries (also complained about the lack of farmland)  Nathaniel Bacon (wealthy and relative of governor) o Led slaves, freed slaves, and former servants in an attack against friendly Indians (also attacked and burned Jamestown)  Bacon controlled colony for almost a year  Bacon dies and 23 rebels hanged  Slavery increases as farmers fear another rebellion by freed servants



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