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Toshiyuki KATSUMI and Keiichi HORI(ISAS/JAXA)

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Presentation on theme: "Toshiyuki KATSUMI and Keiichi HORI(ISAS/JAXA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Toshiyuki KATSUMI and Keiichi HORI(ISAS/JAXA)
HAN based green propellant - Application and its Combustion Mechanism - Toshiyuki KATSUMI and Keiichi HORI(ISAS/JAXA) 1

2 HAN-based liquid propellant
Hydroxyl Ammonium Nitrate (NH2OH・HNO3) High Oxidizability Low Toxicity High Deliquescent Water Solution Liquid Oxidizer Monopropellant High Density Low Freezing Point

3 Comparison of HAN-based solution with Hydrazine
HAN-based propellant (SHP163) Density ρ [×103 kg/m3] at 20 ˚C 1.0 1.4 Freezing temperature [˚C] -68 Specific Impulse Isp** [s] 233 276 ρ・Isp** [×103 s*kg/m3] 386 Toxicity High Low * SHP163: HAN/Ammonium Nitrate/Water/Methanol=95/5/8/21 (mass ratio) ** Nozzle area ratio (Ae/At);50, CF;1.875, Combustion chamber pressure; 0.7MPa ρ・Isp of HAN-based propellant is approximately 70% higher than Hydrazine

4 Burning rate Combustion mechanism has not been clarified
Control HAN/AN/Water/Methanol = 95/5/8/0 SHP069 HAN/AN/Water/Methanol = 95/5/8/8 SHP163 HAN/AN/Water/Methanol = 95/5/8/21 Control SHP069 Control Control SHP069 SHP163 Combustion mechanism has not been clarified AN and methanol are eliminated Hydrodynamic instability triggers the jump of the burning rate to very high rate region Methanol addition shifts the critical pressure to higher pressure.

5 Burning rates of aq. solutions
80mass% 82.5mass% 77.5mass% 64mass%* 64mass% 85mass% 50mass% The linear burning rate has the peak at approximately 80mass% of HAN concentration Crystal* 95mass% *B. N. Kondrikov, V. E. Annikov, V. Yu. Egorshev, and L. T. De Luca, “Burning of Hydroxylammonium nitrate”, Combustion, Explosion and Shock waves, Vol.36,No.1 ,2000 5

6 The linear burning rates are classified to three zones
High burning rate The linear burning rates are classified to three zones Zone2 Zone3 Zone1 Low burning rate 6

7 Combustion model of HAN aqueous solution
Objective Combustion model of HAN aqueous solution Combustion Model of HAN-based propellant solution 7

8 The combustion wave structure of HAN aq. solution
95mass% solution 80mass% solution Reaction zone Tf Tbp Tbp T T Liquid phase Gas phase Two-phase Liquid phase Two-phase 8 8

9 The combustion wave structure of HAN aq. solution
95mass% solution 80mass% solution Reaction zone Reaction zone Tf Tbp Tbp T T Liquid phase Gas phase Two-phase Liquid phase Two-phase Combustion wave structure changes by the water content 9 9

10 High rb mode Two-phase region
Reaction zone High rb mode Two-phase region Fine bubbles are generated in front of the combustion wave Chemical reaction starts in the bubble Two-phase Liquid phase 10

11 High rb mode Two-phase region dT
Reaction zone High rb mode Two-phase region Fine bubbles are generated in front of the combustion wave Chemical reaction starts in the bubble Significant superheat (dT) is generated Two-phase Liquid phase dT 11

12 High rb mode Two-phase region dT
Reaction zone High rb mode Two-phase region Fine bubbles are generated in front of the combustion wave Chemical reaction starts in the bubble Significant superheat (dT) is generated Rapid nucleation is caused by superheat Two-phase Liquid phase dT 12

13 Nucleation rate may determine the burning rate
Reaction zone Two-phase Liquid phase High rb mode Two-phase region Fine bubbles are generated in front of the combustion wave Chemical reaction starts in the bubble Significant superheat (dT) is generated Rapid nucleation is caused by superheat High rb mode is established Nucleation rate may determine the burning rate 13 13

14 Superheat & Nucleation rate
DT; superheat Tg; vapor temperature TSAT; saturation temperature dn/dt; nucleation rate N; number of molecules per unit volume k; Boltzmann constant h; Plank’s constant r*; radius of the vapor nucleus s; surface tension R; universal gas constant ifg; latent heat of vaporization M; molecular weight pf; pressure in liquid space Liquid Bubble Tg TSAT , 14

15 Radiuses of vapor nucleuses
Parameter; Pressure1~8MPa Gas temperature 800~1300K r*min=2x10-9m (10A) 15

16 Nucleation rate (dn/dt)
r*min=2x10-9m Parameter; Pressure1~8MPa Gas temperature 800~1300K 16

17 In Zone2, bubble nucleation rate governs the burning rate.
dv/dt (4/3pr*3dn/dt) Linear burning rate 1000mm/s 1mm/s In Zone2, bubble nucleation rate governs the burning rate. 80mass% 77.5mass% 82.5mass% 64mass% 50mass% 17 17

18 dv/dt (4/3pr*3dn/dt) Linear burning rate 95-80mass%; The gas temperature in bubble may be lower than 80 mass% aq. solution, as the two-phase region is relatively short. The nucleation and apparent burning rates become lower. 1000mm/s 1mm/s 80-50mass%;The gas temperature in bubbles may be lower than 80 mass% aq. solution because of higher water content. The nucleation and burning rates become lower. 18 18

19 Combustion mode in Zone3
Surface propagation rate increases rapidly by the local disturbance (2) Local disturbance Stable combustion wave (3) Concentration of reactive gas into concave area (4) Expansion into liquid phase (5) Expansion stops 19

20 Comparison of combustion wave structure
The jump mechanism of burning rate to high rate region is not clarified Comparison of combustion wave structure High rb Zone3 Zone2 Zone1 Control SHP069 SHP163 Combustion wave structures of propellant solutions are similar to aqueous solution in each burning rate zone Low rb Aqueous solution Propellant solution 20 20

21 Phenomena of Burning Rate Jumping
Transition Process Liquid (4) New bubbles develop quickly (5) Extremely high burning rate is established New Bubble (1) Stable combustion wave propagates (3) New fine bubble are generated (2) Brown bubble invade into liquid phase Hydrodynamic instability is the trigger to jump to extremely high burning rate region 21

22 Hydrodynamic instability - 1
◆Margolis model; extended model of Landau/Levich instability Stable at high pressure, and at low methanol content Our results; Unstable at high pressure Estimation result is opposite tendencies to our results ◆ Flame stretch effect Lewis number effect; out of consideration (Lewis number; no pressure dependency) Markstein number(Ma) Markstein number (by asymptotics) Su(s); Burnign rate of stretched flame Su(l); Laminar burning rate Ka; Flame stretch ratio By Clavin P., Energy Combust. Sci., vol.11, pp.1-59, 1985 22 22

23 Hydrodynamic instability - 3
Control SHP069 SHP163 Unstable at high pressure, and at low methanol content Our results; Unstable at high pressure Hydrodynamic instability of propellant solutions is affected by flame stretch and determines the jump pressure. Estimation results supports our results Ma=Ma,cr 3.3MPa 5.0MPa 6.6MPa 23

24 Application to thruster
Objective Development of HAN-based Monopropellant Thruster Propellant; SHP163 Catalyst; S405 Propellant Catalyst Burning process Monopropellant is injected into the preheated catalyst bed. Chemical reaction of monopropellant occurs at the catalyst bed. Gas products burn thoroughly in the combustor. Combustion product gas is exhausted through the nozzle. Heater

25 Free fall test 1/2 Objective Pretest of supersonic vehicle test flight
HAN-based thruster system Launch Y=0 sec Y+20 sec Start Y+50 sec Finish Thrusters burn for 30 seconds Sequence Objective Pretest of supersonic vehicle test flight Balloon operation Attitude control by N2 gas jets HAN thrusters help the acceleration at free fall Supersonic vehicle mock-up

26 Free fall test 2/2 Flight system Thruster
Diameter; 75 mm Length; mm Nozzle Thruster Valve Propellant Tank Pressure sensor Thermocouple Combustion chamber Injector Catalyst bed

27 Static firing test Simulated environmental test (Vacuum and Low temperature) Thruster burned stably for 30 seconds in simulated condition

28 Static firing test (movie)

29 Result of free fall test
Specific impulse; 230 sec Combustion efficiency; 0.88  Thruster burned well for 30 seconds in the flight  Density*Isp is approximately 1.46 times higher than the hydrazine  This results show the potential for the application to space programs

30 Summary -Combustion mechanism-
Bubble nucleation rate by superheat governs the apparent linear burning rate in very high burning rate zone. The water content dominates the burning rate zone in the case of aqueous solutions. The hydrodynamic instability determines the burning rate zone in the case of propellant solutions. 30

31 Summary -Application to thruster-
Flight system is developed and burnt for 30 seconds successfully in vacuum and -50 C Isp is approximately 230 seconds The high potential of HAN-based thruster for the application to space programs was shown 31

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