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Florida 4-H Camp Counselor Training Understanding the Needs of 4-H Campers -Developmental Characteristics of 4-H Campers.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida 4-H Camp Counselor Training Understanding the Needs of 4-H Campers -Developmental Characteristics of 4-H Campers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida 4-H Camp Counselor Training Understanding the Needs of 4-H Campers -Developmental Characteristics of 4-H Campers

2 Developmental Characteristics Physical Social Emotional Intellectual

3 Development Influences Parents Caregivers Teachers Peers Environment Extended Family Community Media Heredity

4 Principles of Development Development is orderly, not random. Development is a continuous and gradual process. Development is most rapid during the early stages of infancy and the adolescent years. Not all children develop at the same pace. Not all children possess the same temperament. Development occurs within a larger context. Development is a multi-faceted concept.

5 Physical Characteristics of 6-8 Year Olds Mastering physical skills – large and small muscles. Has better control over large than small muscles. Very active Implications: Projects could get messy. Activities need to be active! Plan hands on active experiences. Focus on large muscle activities. Make activities doable for beginners.

6 Social Characteristics of 6-8 Year Olds May have many friends at a time. More aware of peers and opinions. Boys begin to separate from girls. Focused on self but learning about empathy. Implications: Small groups are effective – encourage interaction. Role play can help build empathy. Help each child achieve success.

7 Emotional Characteristics of 6-8 Year Olds Fairness is “being nice to others so they’ll be nice in return.” Family is primary focus and source of stability. When away from family, the leader may become a central figure. Avoids punishment and sensitive to criticism. Implications: Use cooperative games where everyone wins. Show adult approval. Be available to discuss fears.

8 Intellectual Characteristics of 6-8 Year Olds Concrete thinking – based on what they know. More interested in doing things than the end result. Learning to sort and categorize. Need to focus on one thing at a time. Implications: Enjoy being read to. Provide activities that center on doing rather than the finished product. Demonstrate the activity – rather than just talk about it. Plan short activities. Allow for exploration and inquiry.

9 Physical Characteristics of 9-11 Year Olds Better large muscle control and eye/hand coordination. Very active – can’t sit still. Gender differences in maturation. May be uncomfortable with body image. Implications: Plan opportunities to move bodies – active learning experiences. Vary activities to accommodate differences. Avoid boy/girl competition. Hands on activities preferred.

10 Social Characteristics of 9-11 Year Olds Join clubs and groups – loyalty to friends/groups. Like to be in groups of others similar to themselves. Prefer same sex groups. Like to make others happy Concerned with fairness and rules. Still self-centered. Implications: Give them freedom within structured limits. Plan time to spend with friends. Assist groups to form for activities. Encourage them to negotiate rules prior to an activity. Reinforce positive communication and negotiation skills.

11 Emotional Characteristics of 9-11 Year Olds Want to feel valued and needed. Want to act grown up. Beginning to question parental authority. Look to adults for guidance and approval. May be moody. Implications: Give correction quietly and one-to-one. Help them identify successes. Never play favorites. Give specific positive feedback. Recognize unique abilities. Redirect inappropriate behavior.

12 Intellectual Characteristics of 9-11 Year Olds Like to be involved in planning. Until 11, thinking concretely but then begin to understand new ideas. Like collecting and hobbies. Want to learn adult skills and make useful products. Implications: Encourage belief and value exploration. Encourage goal setting. Provide opportunities to learn “real-life” skills. Help youth form groups to explore similar hobbies and collections.

13 Physical Characteristics of 12-14 Year Olds Many physical changes - Hand/feet, nose/ears may grow faster than arms/legs. May be concerned about physical appearance. Wide range of development between genders. Implications: Avoid boy/girl competition. Accept that physical appearance is very important. Avoid activities that could cause Embarrassment about their bodies. Be patient and supportive.

14 Social Characteristics of 12-14 Year Olds Seek peer recognition. Interested in opposite sex. Search for role models. Desire to conform to group. Implications: Provide opportunities for genders to mix in groups. Engage them in setting their own rules and consequences. Help them find information and resources.

15 Emotional Characteristics of 12-14 Year Olds Compare themselves to others. See themselves as “on-stage”. Concerned about peer acceptance. Want privacy and independence from adults. Is easily embarrassed. Implications: Avoid comparing to each other – performance should be compared to past performance. Avoid putting them ‘on the spot” whether commending or criticizing. Provide opportunities to practice independence within structured limits – expect follow through. Encourage youth and adults to work together.

16 Intellectual Characteristics of 12-14 Year Olds Concerned with justice and equality. Learning abstract thinking. Understand cause and effect. Can handle in-depth, long-term projects. Challenge assumptions. Implications: Encourage them to predict “what might happen if”. Involve them in making program decisions. Provide opportunities to make choices and discuss decisions.

17 Physical Characteristics of 15-18 Year Olds Concerned about body image Exhibit smaller range in size and maturity among peers Tend to have realistic view of limits to which body can be tested Implications: Be willing to answer questions Avoid comments that criticize or compare youth Set a good example for health and physical fitness

18 Social Characteristics of 15-18 Year Olds Tend to romanticize sexuality but moving toward better understanding of reality Search for intimacy; test sexual attractiveness Makes commitments and can follow through Desire respect; wants adult leadership roles Are apt to reject goals set by others Implications: Let them plan own programs Establish climate that is conducive to peer support Emphasize personal development and leadership

19 Emotional Characteristics of 15-18 Year Olds Desire respect Accepting their own uniqueness but still seek approval from peers Look for confidence of others in their decisions Developing own set of values and beliefs Gaining autonomy; introspective Can initiate and carry out tasks without supervision Implications: Let teens assume responsibility – expect them to follow through Help them explore identity, values, beliefs Help them develop individual skills Encourage youth and adults working together

20 Intellectual Characteristics of 15-18 Year Olds Are mastering abstract thinking Can imagine impact of present behavior on future Enjoy demonstrating acquired knowledge Will lose patience with meaningless activities Implications: Give them real-life problems to solve Let them make decisions and evaluate outcomes Encourage service learning Plan career exploration activities

21 Practical Implications For younger children: –Understand that young children are limited by their developmental capacities –Organize activities & events that are age- appropriate –Encourage active involvement rather than competition –Build upon children’s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive skills –Be generous with praise –Encourage exploration –Provide clear rules, boundaries, & structure

22 For adolescents/teens: –Encourage emerging independence, but maintain structure, boundaries, rules –Be sensitive to self-image issues –Be open to discussing/handling sensitive issues –Foster positive peer interaction –Be a positive role model –Provide constructive criticism along with positive feedback –Promote hands-on activities & experiential learning opportunities Practical Implications

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