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 Anchor: BIO.B.4.2 Describe interactions & relationships in an ecosystem ◦ BIO.4.2.3: Describe how matter recycles through an ecosystem.

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3  Anchor: BIO.B.4.2 Describe interactions & relationships in an ecosystem ◦ BIO.4.2.3: Describe how matter recycles through an ecosystem

4  Remember: living organisms are composed of organic matter: ◦ Full of carbs, lipids, proteins & nucleic acids!

5  How is matter cycled? ◦ **Remember: there is a ONE- WAY flow of energy through the ecosystem, but matter (organic stuff) must be recycled throughout the ecosystem!!***  Energy is moved through parts of an ecosystem through biogeochemical cycles  Ex: water, sulfur, phosphorus, carbon, nitrogen cycles nutrientsnutrients decomposers E COLOGY

6  Nutrients: molecules that an organism needs to sustain life ◦ Used to build tissues and carry out metabolism  Ex: CHONPS nutrientsnutrients decomposers

7  Hydrologic Cycle ◦ Importance  Every living thing requires WATER

8  Hydrologic Cycle ◦ Key Processes:  Evaporation: liquid  gas  Transpiration: evaporation from plant leaves  Condensation: gas  liquid  Precipitation: rain, sleet, snow, hail  Runoff: water moving downhill into streams/rivers  Infiltration: water soaking into the soil

9  Hydrologic Cycle Evaporation Condensation Precipitation Transpiration Runoff

10  Carbon Cycle ◦ Importance  Used in making living tissues and animal skeletons  Regulates temperature in the atmosphere (carbon dioxide)  Plants  photosynthesis  pass along glucose in food webs

11  Carbon Cycle ◦ Key Processes:  Photosynthesis: how autotrophs produce glucose (food) while removing carbon dioxide from the air  CO 2 + H 2 O + light  C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2  Cellular Respiration: how all organisms break down food to get ATP energy and release carbon dioxide in the air  C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2  CO 2 + H 2 O + ATP  ATP is a molecule used for energy

12 ◦ Decomposition: bacteria and fungi break down dead organisms and release their nutrients in the soil and carbon dioxide in the air  Creates fossil fuels with extreme pressure ◦ Combustion: Burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and trees r eleases carbon dioxide into the air and this can lead to global warming

13 CO 2 Burning FF CR by plants/animals Decomposition Fossil Fuel formation PS Burning plants


15  Nitrogen Cycle: ◦ Importance:  All organisms require nitrogen to make amino acids that are used to build proteins ◦ Forms of Nitrogen:  Nitrogen Gas (N 2 ): in atmosphere  Ammonia (NH 3 ), Nitrate (NO 3 - ), Nitrite (NO 2 - ): found in wastes & in decaying organisms


17  Nitrogen Cycle: ◦ Key Processes:  Nitrogen fixation: convert nitrogen gas into ammonia  N 2 NH 3  Performed by bacteria found in the soil or in roots of plants

18  Nitrogen Cycle: ◦ Key Processes:  Ammonification: ammonia (NH 3 ) is converted to nitrate (NO 3 - ) and nitrite (NO 2 - )  NH 3 NO 3 -  NH 3 NO 2 -  Done by bacteria in the soil OR

19  Nitrogen Cycle: ◦ Key Processes:  Assimilation: plants use nitrates or nitrites made for them by the bacteria or animals consume nitrates and nitrites by eating plants  Nitrogen is in organism and can be used to make amino acids

20  Nitrogen Cycle: ◦ Key Processes:  Detrification: nitrates (NO 3 - ) are changed into nitrogen gas (N 2 )  NO 3 - N 2  Nitrogen gas is released back into atmosphere

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