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Common small and large intestinal surgical diseases Part II

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1 Common small and large intestinal surgical diseases Part II
Khayal AlKhayal, MD, FRCSC Assistant Professor of Surgery Consultant Colorectal Surgeon 2010 Done by : 428 surgery team 428 surgery team

2 Colorectal cancer 428 surgery team

3 Outline Definitions Polyps Basics of colorectal cancer Surgery Staging
428 surgery team

4 Perspective 428 surgery team

5 Definitions Colon = large bowel = large intestine
Rectum - terminal portion of the colon Polyp - benign growth; not invasive There are many types of polyp , such as inflammatory , hyperplastic , and adenoma , and the last one ONLY can develop to cancer . Adenoma - type of polyp and has chance to develop cancer but not all. Cancer - malignant growth; invasive (through basement membrane) Stage - where the cancer is growing ( IMP for management ) Primary - the original tumour, where it started Metastases - where the tumour has spread to 428 surgery team

6 Cancer A cancer cell : is immortal ( lives forever)
multiplies uncontrollably can live on its own without neighbors can live in other parts of the body 428 surgery team

7 Colon and Rectum 428 surgery team

8 Colorectal Cancer Most cancers are acquired some are inherited
Almost all cancers begin as a benign polyp or adenoma Only a tiny percentage of adenomas become cancers 428 surgery team

9 What is a polyp? 428 surgery team

10 Polyp - Cancer Sequence
The process from benign polyp to cancer takes from years The transformation into cancer is based on the type of polyp Size of polyp Multiple polyps = greater risk of cancer Tubular , Villus and Tubuloviilus are types of polyps . Note:Villus histological feature have a high chance to develop carcinoma 40%. 428 surgery team

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13 The Effect of Age on the Incidence of
Colorectal Cancer and Colorectal Polyps 428 surgery team

14 Removing polyps prevents cancer
Colonoscopy 428 surgery team

15 Squamous cell carcinoma
Colorectal Carcinoma Classification Adenocarcinoma 95% Carcinoid Lymphoma Sarcoma Squamous cell carcinoma 428 surgery team

16 Epidemiology 3th most common malignancy worldwide.
1st most common in Saudi males. second to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death 21,500 new cases, 8900 will die (2008) “ more than one third  “ risk of CRC – women 1/16 , men 1/14 peek incidence in 7th decade but it can occur at any age CRC : colorectal ca . 7th decade means : 61 – 70 years old 428 surgery team

17 Etiology of Colorectal Cancer
Incidence in left is more than right….why ? Because sigmoid colon is narrow 428 surgery team

18 Risk Factors Genetics, Family history Polyps
Personal history One first degree family member doubles risk Hereditary colorectal cancer syndomes Polyps Inflammatory bowel disease (Chron’s Disease and Ulcerative Collitis). Other Diet, nutrients, smoking, ETOH 428 surgery team

19 Colorectal Cancer Risk Based on Family History
General population “ sporadic “ % One 1st degree CRC X* (12-18%) Two 1st degree CRC X* One 1st degree CRC < 50 y * One 2nd or 3rd CRC X Two 2nd degree CRC X* One first degree with polyp 2X* 428 surgery team

20 Clinical presentation
Bleeding - gross, occult, anemia (37%) Change in bowel habit – pain, diarrhea, constipation, alternating pattern Obstruction – more common with left sided lesions most common cause of bowel obstruction in the elderly Vague abdominal pains Change in caliber of the stools Weight loss Abdominal mass Asymptomatic 428 surgery team

21 Investigations General: Complete history and physical (DRE)
Endoscopic (identify primary, synchronous lesions) Flexible sigmoidoscopy Colonoscopy “ to roll out other lesions “ Staging Endorectal ultrasound (rectal cancer) Chest x-ray (metastases) Liver ultrasound (metastases) Abdominal CT scan (metastases) Bloodwork CBC electrolytes, CEA (tumour marker) Tumour marker used for prognosis of the disease and to follow up the patient . * CEA : CarcinoEmbryonic Antigen “ not specefic marker “ 428 surgery team

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23 Surgical therapy Surgery is the most important variable in the treatment of colorectal cancer Radiation and chemotherapy alone cannot cure any stage of colorectal cancer The site of tumour dictates the basic procedure 428 surgery team

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25 Preoperative preparation
Evaluation of medical problems Mechanical bowel preparation (cleanes the bowel by causing diarrhea) Colyte , Oral fleet IV antibiotics (because it is contaminated gross contamination wound) DVT prevention ( blood clots in the legs) Heparin shots Compression stockings Foley catheter “ for the urinary bladder “ Epidural catheter “ for reduce the pain “ 428 surgery team

26 Principles of Surgery “how to do surgery”
Examine the entire abdomen Remove the appropriate segment of the colon with adequate margins Remove the corresponding lymph nodes Open vs laparoscopic approach 428 surgery team

27 Abdominoperineal resection
Right hemi Colectomy Left hemicolectomy Abdominoperineal resection 428 surgery team

28 Low Anterior resection
Subtotal Colectomy Low Anterior resection 428 surgery team

29 When the tumor in the right side we do right hemi colectomy
When the tumor in the left side we do left hemi colectomty When the tumor in the sigmoid colon we do anterior resection When the tumor in the rectum or below we do lower anterior restriction or abdomino-perineal resection. 428 surgery team

30 Ostomy The intestine is brought out through a hole in the abdominal wall Colostomy ( colon on the skin) Permanent when the rectum is removed Temporary when it is unsafe to make a join Ileostomy ( ileum on the skin) Temporary when the join needs time to heal 428 surgery team

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35 Recovery Surgery 2 to 4 hours Hospital stay 4 to 10 days
IV, urine catheter, compression stockings, intravenous pain killers, blood thinner Discharge when ambulating, eating, bowel function, good pain control Recovery 4 weeks 428 surgery team

36 Follow up Office visit every 3 months for two years then every 6 months for 3 years Regular blood work (CEA) Colonoscopy at year 1 and 4 and every 5 years CT scan yearly 428 surgery team

37 Some notes mentioned about CEA IMP
CEA used to detect the prognosis : higher CEA worse prognosis. Also used to detect recurrence: for example: (normal CEA is <5). If CEA was 50 then after surgery it becomes 5 then after some time it raised to 50 again . Here we suspect recurrence. *also if CEA was 100 and after a surgery it is still 100 that indicate there is another mass has not been removed . 428 surgery team

38 Pathology of Colorectal Cancer
Macroscopic: Microscopic (differentiation): Well Moderately Poorly Lymph node involvement 428 surgery team

39 Staging ( Where is it Growing?)
How far into the wall has it grown? T stage Tis – invasion of mucosa only T1 – Invasion of submucosa T2 – Invasion of muscularis propria T3 – Full thickness/perirectal fat T4 – Invasion into adjacent organs 428 surgery team

40 Staging ( Where is it Growing?)
2. Is it growing in other places? N stage, M stage N1 – 1-3 lymph nodes N2 - >4 lymph nodes N3 – distant lymph nodes M1 – Distant organ ( liver, lung) 428 surgery team

41 TNM Staging Stage 0 – Tis tumors Stage 1 – T1 and T2 tumors
Invasion of mucosa Stage 1 – T1 and T2 tumors Invasion of sub mucosa & muscularis propria Stage 2 – T3 and T4 tumors Invasion of full thickness & adjecent organ Stage 3 – Any lymph node involvement Stage 4 – Distant metastases 428 surgery team

42 Who Gets Additional Treatment?
COLON All stage 3 patients (positive nodes) -chemotherapy High risk stage 2 patients RECTUM All stage 2 and stage 3 patients should get radiation and chemo 428 surgery team

43 Survival and TNM Stage STAGE 5-Year Survival 1 90% 2 80%^ 3 27-69%*
% %^ %* 4 8% ^for T3N0 tumors *depends on # of nodes involved 428 surgery team

44 Summary Common Cancer Can be prevented through screening and resection of polyps Surgery is the primary treatment Slow but steady improvement in survival 428 surgery team

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