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STMicroelctronics Laroussi Bouzaida Central R&D/ Test Solutions Department Mgr Crolles - France STIL-based D2T Flow.

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1 STMicroelctronics Laroussi Bouzaida Central R&D/ Test Solutions Department Mgr Crolles - France STIL-based D2T Flow

2 L. BouzaidaSTIL Flow Oct2002 Why STIL in our D2T flow n Use standard, vendor independent format n Already generated by most of ATPG n Allows to: –Reduce the D2T turn-around –Optimize the test development flow n Enables easier communication between EDA and ATE environments (LCT Initiative)

3 L. BouzaidaSTIL Flow Oct2002 Supported features n ST/D2T supports Synopsys/TetraMAX Patterns: IEEE Std.1450-1999 and P1450.1 extension Basic features – –Signals block – –SignalGroups block – –Timing section – –Pattern Burst – –Pattern – –Spec section Other Features – – Scan Structures section – –Procedures and Macros – –Call and Macro statements – –Shift block – –Condition statement – –Vectors data mapping (WFCmap)

4 L. BouzaidaSTIL Flow Oct2002 STIL to ATE flow Design Infos (Netlist, IO Library ) STIL TetraMAX Design Infos (Netlist, IO Library ) TetraMAX STIL Design Infos (Netlist, IO Library ) STIL Simulation, Other ATPG WGL VCD …

5 L. BouzaidaSTIL Flow Oct2002 STIL/WGL performances n Patterns processing significantly reduced with STIL versus WGL format n Up to 50% processing time saving with STIL

6 L. BouzaidaSTIL Flow Oct2002 STIL to ATE usage

7 L. BouzaidaSTIL Flow Oct2002 Current activity n STIL reader and writer available in D2T/XUtile production release n On going work with EDA and ATE companies to reduce the test development flow (direct STIL reading). Some application are emerging with Low Cost ATEs n Extension to support full standard features: –Patterns List and Patterns Exec –Domain names –Include –Break Point

8 L. BouzaidaSTIL Flow Oct2002 Conclusions n STIL patterns format support and deployment within ST Divisions n We see a significant process time reduction even if STIL is considered as a classicalvector format n Coordination between EDA environment and users (like ST) to be aligned regarding the supported features

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