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 Complete the “High – 5” form  Write YOUR child’s name and home phone # on the homework buddy label  If interested, fill out the volunteer form  Read.

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Presentation on theme: " Complete the “High – 5” form  Write YOUR child’s name and home phone # on the homework buddy label  If interested, fill out the volunteer form  Read."— Presentation transcript:

1  Complete the “High – 5” form  Write YOUR child’s name and home phone # on the homework buddy label  If interested, fill out the volunteer form  Read about your child’s goal for this year  Learn about accessing grades online  Brush up on the importance of Reading everyday!!!!

2 Back to School Night September 12, 2013 Mrs. Wooleyhan

3 Get Ready 8:50 Writing 9:00 Special 9:45 Computers 10:30 Reading 11:00 Lunch 12:30 Math 1:15 Recess 2:15 Science/S.S. 2:30

4  Monday: P.E.  Tuesday: Guidance  Wednesday: Art  Thursday: Library  Friday: Music

5  Homerun Calendar In the front of assignment book Please check daily  3 strikes and you’re out! Results in parent contact And loss of privilege: recess, computers, assembly, etc.

6  Majority is counted for completion, not accuracy  Usual Suspects– Spelling (5pts), Math page (1pt), Reading for 20 minutes and filling out Reading Log (5pts)  Counted for a grade by lesson/unit  No homework = no credit 1 day to make up work Student responsibility to show made up work Illness is an exception  What’s the homework tonight? Check assignment book Check on-line Call Homework Buddy

7  Bathroom Allowed to use at any time other than direct instruction  Late Lunch - please pack a snack!  Water Bottles – only when it’s hot!  Assignment Books Please check and sign

8  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys 90 minute block 30 minutes whole group 60 minutes of small group/independent work  Reading Counts!  Reading Logs  Assessment Lesson Quizzes, Unit Tests, Station Work, Reading Logs

9  Being a Writer  Types: Narrative, Informational, and Persuasive  5 th Grade Writing PSSA  Assessments :5 Domains of Effective Writing Focus Organization Content Style Conventions

10  enVision Topics = Chapters Content is slightly harder, studying is a must! Focus on those problem-solving questions  Math Facts – Multiplication/Division  Assessment/Grades Chapter tests, small weekly quizzes, math facts, projects, homework completion

11  5-6 week Rotation  Social Studies Alive! Hands-on and interactive American History: The 1 st Colonies – Declaration  Microworlds – Ms. Synder  Ecosystems – Mrs. Wooleyhan  Motion and Design – Mrs. Keefer

12  PSSA Reading, Math, Writing Scores  Map Testing – Fall, Winter, Spring  Reading Unit Tests  Writing Prompts – Fall and Spring  SME scores  Report Cards

13  Check my website for updates  Check your child’s take-home folder  Volunteer to help out in the classroom  Attend school board meetings  Become a member of the PTL

14  Email Quickest way to reach me  Call ext. 5027  Assignment book  Check Webpage  Check take-home folder  If you send a note/information to school, make sure your student knows!

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