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Hosted by Mrs. LaSala 100 200 400 300 400 OrganizationPreambleResponsibilities??? 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Mrs. LaSala

3 100 200 400 300 400 OrganizationPreambleResponsibilities??? 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Name the three branches of Government: Executive, Legislative, & Judicial

5 1,2 Explains the purpose of the constitution Preamble

6 1,3 What are two things that a citizen Must do in order to play a Responsible role in a democratic Government. Vote and Obey Laws

7 1,4 When voting for governor, which of the following election systems is involved? A.national government government C.state government board election C.state government

8 2,1 The branch of government that Makes the laws is: Legislative

9 2,2 Explain what this phrase means: Promote the general welfare Encourage health, happiness,and comfort

10 2,3 The Bill of Rights guarantees Citizens the right to: A. A public education B. Public Utilities C. Vote D. A free press

11 2,4 Americans are promised certain individual rights in the Bill of Rights. Which of these is an example correctly using the right of freedom of speech? A.A student refuses to raise her hand before speaking out in class. B.A student will not stop reading his library book when the teacher tells him to put it up C. A community leader makes a speech saying that the governor is completely wrong. D. Just for a joke, a teenager yells, "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater. C. A community leader makes a speech saying that the governor is completely wrong.

12 3,1 The branch of government That interprets laws: Judicial

13 3,2 Explain what this phrase means: Do ordain Make official

14 3,3 The purpose of the U.S. Government’s Rules and laws was defined in the __________________ A.Declaration of Independence B. U.S. Constitution C. state rules D. county papers B. U.S. Constitution

15 3,4 Name one of the purposes of the constitution Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty

16 4,1 The branch of government that Executes or carries out laws: Executive

17 4,2 Explain what this phrase means: Secure the blessings of liberty Gain and keep the gifts of freedom

18 4,3 From the list below, choose the most positive way an individual can participate in the electoral process besides voting. A.complain when the one you voted for does not win B.ignore the elections that have candidates you do not like in and contribute to the campaign of the candidate you support D.write letters of complaint to the newspaper in and contribute to the campaign of the candidate you support

19 4,4 A man is arrested for a crime. The Bill of Rights says that he has the right to a trial by jury. What does this mean? A.He will be able to give a test to the policeman who arrested him. B.His lawyer can decide whether to let him have a trial. C.He may have a group of citizens hear evidence and vote to decide if he is guilty. D.After a judge decides he is guilty, a jury will decide how long he stays in prison. C.He may have a group of citizens hear evidence and vote to decide if he is guilty.

20 5,1 The system set up so that no One branch of government Is more powerful than another Branch. Checks and Balances

21 5,2 Explain what this phrase means: Establish justice Set up a fair system

22 5,3 What actions can citizens legally take to influence lawmakers as they discuss proposed laws? A.They can throw pies or eggs at public officials. B.They can write slogans on the walls of public buildings. C.They vote, write letters and speak to lawmakers, and write letters to newspapers. D.They can interrupt business in the two houses of the United States Congress. C.They vote, write letters and speak to lawmakers, and write letters to newspapers.

23 5,4 The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to A. end slavery. B. design the government. C. protect individual freedoms. D.declare that the colonies were free of Great Britain. C. protect individual freedoms.

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