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Reading comprehension -Simple Past Tense

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1 Reading comprehension -Simple Past Tense
Hello! I’m Johnny and I want to tell you what happened to me last weekend. My friends invited me to go to a party but I needed to study for a test and I decided to stay home. When it was midnight I started to think about my friends. The party was at my friend Paul’s house and I really wanted to be there. I rested some time and I think I dreamed of the party. I danced with a nice girl, I listened to my favorite songs, and I watched good video clips. I really enjoyed the party. When my mother called me it was almost 1 a.m. and she scared me because I discovered it was a dream. The interesting fact is that when I woke up I was dressed in my favorite jeans! 1. Why didn’t the author go to the party? 2. Where was the party? 3. What happened at midnight? 4. What did the author do? 5. Why was the author scared? 6. Is the author a boy or a girl?

2 Read the text and complete the spaces using the verbs in parentheses in the simple past tense:
J.K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter books. J. K.'s name is Joanne Kathleen. She __________ ( be) born in 1965 in a small town near Bristol, England. Joanne _____________ (live) with her parents and her sister. The Rowling family was not rich. Joanne ___________ (not go ) to special schools. She was a quiet child. She ____________ (love) to read and write stories. Joanne ______________ ( go) to Exeter University, and she ____________ (finish) in She ____________ (work) in different offices. In her free time, she _____________ (write) stories.

3 In 1990, Joanne's mother __________ (die)
In 1990, Joanne's mother __________ (die). Joanne _________ (be) sad, and she to leave England. She ___________ (want) a job in the newspaper for an English teacher. The job was in Portugal. She __________ (have) an interview, and she __________ (get) the job. In Portugal, Joanne ______ (marry) a Portuguese man. The next year, Joanne had a daughter, but she _______ (be) happy in her marriage. She ___________ (leave) Portugal with her daughter and _________ (go) to live to Edinburgh, Scotland, near her sister.

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