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The Christopher Killer.  It takes place in the kitchen at the house. The area she lives in is quiet and smooth. In the present day Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "The Christopher Killer.  It takes place in the kitchen at the house. The area she lives in is quiet and smooth. In the present day Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Christopher Killer

2  It takes place in the kitchen at the house. The area she lives in is quiet and smooth. In the present day Texas.

3 Characters The daughter and the mother and the father and cameryn are the main characters. The daughter is sixteen and lives with her mother. The mom is 30 and lives with her daughter. Cameryn is sixteen lives with her parents and is the daughter best friend. The dad is 30 and lives with the girl and the mother.

4 The mom finds a job and makes enough money. The girl goes back to live with her mom.

5 Your Opinion My opinion is that you should read this book because The Christopher Killer is so scary and a great book to read.

6 1. Is the author of numerous novels and mysteries. 2. Lives with family near the Colorado Rockies. 3. Researches for her books. 4. Interviewing forensic pathologists. 5. Has written a book called Show me the Evidence.

7 5 Test Questions 1. Did the girl go live with her dad? 2. When did the mother died? 3. How old was the mother when she died? 4. Did the girl go live with the dad after the mom died? 5. How did the mother died?

8 a girl is at home and the door opens its her dad. The girl’s mother has died. The girl goes to live with her dad.

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