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Project work by Mitina K., 6th form, Gymnasia №3 Vorkuta, 2008.

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1 Project work by Mitina K., 6th form, Gymnasia №3 Vorkuta, 2008

2 There are a lot of people one can admire: inventors, singers, actors, dancers, sportsmen, politicians, and many others. As for me I admire writers and the one I admire most of all is Joann Kathleen Rowling, a British novelist who wrote world- famous books about Harry Potter.

3 This book was published in 1997 and had a great success both among the children and adults. As it is known, the book was translated into about 50 languages. This book was published in 1997 and had a great success both among the children and adults. As it is known, the book was translated into about 50 languages. In 2001 the Warner Brothers Company made a screen version of the book which also had a great success. In 2001 the Warner Brothers Company made a screen version of the book which also had a great success. Joanna Rowling planned to write 7 books about Harry Potter’s adventures and the final book was published the last year. Also the fifth film was made which again excited the whole world. Joanna Rowling planned to write 7 books about Harry Potter’s adventures and the final book was published the last year. Also the fifth film was made which again excited the whole world.

4 So, who is that writer who created such a powerful book and why this book is so popular? So, who is that writer who created such a powerful book and why this book is so popular? I have read all 7 books and have seen all 5 films and I spend a good time. First of all when I read these books they surprised me with a simple language, unusual events and rich imagination of the author. Secondly, I liked the main characters who are kind and merry, honest and brave, devoted and reliable. So, I think these are the qualities which make this book so popular. I have read all 7 books and have seen all 5 films and I spend a good time. First of all when I read these books they surprised me with a simple language, unusual events and rich imagination of the author. Secondly, I liked the main characters who are kind and merry, honest and brave, devoted and reliable. So, I think these are the qualities which make this book so popular. But I also think that for success it is very important how much of his or her soul or personal experience the author puts in the work. But I also think that for success it is very important how much of his or her soul or personal experience the author puts in the work.

5 So, the aims of this project are - to find and present biographical facts which influenced on the creation or were used in writing of this book; - to find and present biographical facts which influenced on the creation or were used in writing of this book; - make a survey to study to know what our students and teachers think about the book and the film.

6 Some words about biography… Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born on 31 July 1965, near Bristol, England, and grew up in Chipping, Grent. Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born on 31 July 1965, near Bristol, England, and grew up in Chipping, Grent. In many interviews J. Rowling says that when she was a child her family moved from one place to another very often and that gave a chance to meet new people and to see many places. And in the this future helped her in creation of the book. In many interviews J. Rowling says that when she was a child her family moved from one place to another very often and that gave a chance to meet new people and to see many places. And in the this future helped her in creation of the book. Moreover, as a child, Rowling enjoyed writing fantasy stories, which she often read to her younger sister. Moreover, as a child, Rowling enjoyed writing fantasy stories, which she often read to her younger sister. When she finished school she moved to France to study French and then she retuned to London to work as a researcher and a bilingual sectretary for Amnesty Intenational. When she finished school she moved to France to study French and then she retuned to London to work as a researcher and a bilingual sectretary for Amnesty Intenational. Later she moved to Portugal to teach English as a foreign language. Later she moved to Portugal to teach English as a foreign language. But whatever she did she has always been thinking only about writing stories and choosing names for her characters…

7 Some words about the book… So, in 1990, while she was on a train trip from Manchester to London, the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry came into her mind and when she came back home, she began to write it at once. So, in 1990, while she was on a train trip from Manchester to London, the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry came into her mind and when she came back home, she began to write it at once. What is in the book… This book is about a wizard boy called Harry Potter whose parents were killed by Volant-de-Mort, an evil and great saucer, his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley who are trying to get rid of evil forces and save the world. This book is about a wizard boy called Harry Potter whose parents were killed by Volant-de-Mort, an evil and great saucer, his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley who are trying to get rid of evil forces and save the world.

8 Harry Potter – to create this character she used a second name of a real boy who was her neighbor and a best friend for some time. Harry Potter – to create this character she used a second name of a real boy who was her neighbor and a best friend for some time. Ron Weasley – has similar traits of character to one of her classmates, whose name was Sean Harris. Moreover Sean owned Ford Anglia which also influenced the idea about a magic car. Ron Weasley – has similar traits of character to one of her classmates, whose name was Sean Harris. Moreover Sean owned Ford Anglia which also influenced the idea about a magic car. Hermione Granger – for this character J. Rowling used herself at the age of 11.But she points that Hermione has better traits than she had. Hermione Granger – for this character J. Rowling used herself at the age of 11.But she points that Hermione has better traits than she had. As J. Rowling says many people she met and many places she visited helped her to create most of the characters from the stories about Harry Potter. So, here are some interesting facts about creation of some characters of the Harry Potter books.

9 And Rowling’s elderly headmaster of one of the schools, was the inspiration for the character of Albus Dumbledore And Rowling’s elderly headmaster of one of the schools, was the inspiration for the character of Albus Dumbledore The idea about the Dementors, soulless creatures, was brought to her mind by the feeling of her illness: during the period of her divorce she was diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplated suicide. The idea about the Dementors, soulless creatures, was brought to her mind by the feeling of her illness: during the period of her divorce she was diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplated suicide. Also to make the magic world more interesting J. Rowling used discriptions of mythical creaturs.One of them, for example is a hipogriff which looks much alike as a gryphon. Also to make the magic world more interesting J. Rowling used discriptions of mythical creaturs.One of them, for example is a hipogriff which looks much alike as a gryphon.

10 Moreover, while writing the first book, Rowling’s mother died after a 10-year battle with a serious disease and this death heavily affected her writing and that she introduced much more detail about Harry’s loss in the first book because she knew about how it felt. Thus we may see that J.K. Rowling used real people to describe her characters and there also were some tragic events which influenced the book. So, may be these things made this book so popular, as in spite of all the magic she tells about real things we face in everyday life.

11 The survey. When looking for the information about J.K. Rowling’s biography I wondered to find out how many people know who wrote stories about Harry Potter. When looking for the information about J.K. Rowling’s biography I wondered to find out how many people know who wrote stories about Harry Potter. Also it was interested for me to know if many people read books or watch films of Harry Potter series and how much they liked them. Also it was interested for me to know if many people read books or watch films of Harry Potter series and how much they liked them. I asked students and teachers of our Gymnasium the following questions: I asked students and teachers of our Gymnasium the following questions: 1. Do you know who is J.K. Rowling? 2. Did you read any book or watch any film about Harry Potter? 3. Do you think the story of Harry Potter is interesting, usual or uninteresting?

12 The results. I asked 88 people and got the following results: The first question showed that quantity of people who know J.K. Rowling and who don’t know her is almost equal.

13 For the second question if they read any book or watched any film about Harry Potter most of the people answered positively.

14 For the third question about how they liked the books and the films most of the people admitted that they liked them.

15 The conclusion When working on this project I learned a lot of interesting information both about the author of Harry Potter books and the way she wrote it. So, it helped me to understand this book better. And making a survey helped me to know how much this book is popular among the students of our Gymnasium and also it helped me to learn to communicate with people of different ages and professions. And I’m sure this experience may help me in future.

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