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 My last meal would be home made spaghetti with garlic bread because it is my favorite dinner.

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2  My last meal would be home made spaghetti with garlic bread because it is my favorite dinner.

3  My last song that I would listen to would be Oath by Cher Lloyd. I would choose this song because Cher Lloyd is my favorite singer and oath is my favorite song by her.

4  The last event I would attend would be a family reunion because I would want to see my family.

5  The last book I would read would be a book from the series of Unfortunate Events because this series is one of my favorite series.

6  The last thing that I would purchase would be a hershey’s bar because that is my favorite type of candy.

7  The last movie that I would watch would be Grown Ups because I have always loved to laugh and Grown Ups is really funny.

8  My last conversation would be about memories in the past with my cousins, Alyssa and Spencer because I love hanging out with them and we have had so many memories, especially at my aunt’s wedding.

9  The last person that I would like to meet would be Cher Lloyd because she is my favorite singer and she seems nice.

10  I would spend my last day at Universal Studios with my whole family, including my half-brothers and sister and their adopted parents. My best friends would also be with me.

11  I would tell them that they should have a lot of fun and celebrate with all the survivors.


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