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The Structure and Function of Macromolecules

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1 The Structure and Function of Macromolecules
CHAPTER 5 The Structure and Function of Macromolecules What Macromolecules Can you see in This picture?

2 What makes you- you… or any organism on Earth what it is
What makes you- you… or any organism on Earth what it is? What four types of molecules are cells and organisms composed of?

3 Water, minerals, vitamins
Carbohydrates Protein Lipids

4 Big Idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
The origin of living systems is explained by natural processes. Molecular and genetic evidence from extant and extinct organisms indicates that all organisms on Earth share a common ancestral origin of life. 1. Scientific evidence includes molecular building blocks that are common to all life forms: glucose, amino acids, nucleotides, fatty acids + glycerol, ATP> ADP Scientific evidence includes a common genetic code: DNA  RNA  Protein PROTEIN Nucleic Acids Lipids Carbo-hydrates

5 Autotrophs- photosynthesis Heterotrophs- consume others
Carbon dioxide from atmosphere Water from soil Phosphorus Nitrogen In water Sulfur Heterotrophs- consume others Carbohydrates Protein Lipids Nucleic Acids Photons + 6CO2 + 6H20 --> C6H12O6 + 6O2 C6H12O > 6 CO2 + 6 H ATP

6 POLYMERS (macromolecules) & MONOMERS (building blocks)
PROTEINS Amino Acids (20 kinds) NUCLEIC ACIDS Nucleotides (4 kinds= A,T,G,C) CARB OHYDRATES Many… (glucose) Monosaccharides LIPIDS* (not a true macromolecule) Glycerol Fatty Acids (many)

7 POLYMER = A long molecule made of identical monomers linked together with covalent bonds. Ex. DNA, RNA, Protein, Polysaccharides


9 condensation rxn dehydration synthesis rxn
A way to connect monomers together to build a larger molecule… polymer H is taken off of one monomer OH is taken off a second monomer & the monomers form a covalent bond. Water is produced. Covalent bond is formed between monomers.

What is it called?

11 Figure 5.2 The synthesis and breakdown of polymers

12 The hydrolysis rxn = Hydro “water” + Lysis “to cut”
Breaking C-C bonds within a polymer using water. Split a water & add H and OH back to the monomers.

13 Big Idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties. Interactions within biological systems lead to complex properties. Structure and function of polymers are derived from the way their monomers are assembled. Carbohydrates are composed of sugar monomers whose structures and bonding with each other by dehydration synthesis determine the properties and functions of the molecules. Ex. cellulose versus starch. ✘ The molecular structure of specific carbohydrate polymers is beyond the scope of the course and the AP Exam.

14 CARBOHYDRATES Contain the elements: C, H, O
Molecular ratio of elements: 1:2:1

15 MONOSACCHARIDES = simple sugars
PROPERTIES: Hydrocarbon chains with hydroxyl groups Polar molecules General formula = (CH2O)n (n=3-7) Role = fuel for cellular work (cellular respiration) Serves as the carbon skeleton for other types of monomers (ex. Amino acids) Component of nucleotides (ribose/deoxyribose)

16 THE 3 MOST IMPORTANT: Hexose sugars: C6H12O6 Glucose- straight chain ALDEHYDE 2. Galactose- 3. Fructose- Straight chain KETONE

17 Question: These were branched diagrams… but when dissolved in water all three take on what form?

18 Answer: Ring

19 Q: how are these forms different???
A: Oxygen is in the “ring”… functional grps. Notice the bond is between the carbonyl on carbon 1 and the hydroxyl on carbon 5.

20 what is the importance of glucose?
ATP Main fuel source to generate energy (ATP) via cell respiration in the mitochondria ADP

21 2. DISACCHARIDES- double sugar
Comprised of: 2 monosaccharides Bonded together via: a condensation rxn glycosidic linkage

22 2. DISACCHARIDES- double sugar
Types: a) Sucrose = glucose + fructose b) Maltose = glucose + glucose c) Lactose = glucose + galactose Illustrative examples. SUCROSE

23 Figure 5.5x Glucose monomer and disaccharides
Sucrose Maltose

24 3. POLYSACCHARIDES- complex carbohydrates
Polymerization STARCHES = glucose monomers bound repeatedly; Short term energy storage for plants inside plastids (ex. amyloplast) 1) Amylose (unbranched) 2) Amylopectin (branched)

25 b) GLYCOGEN = highly branched & coiled glucose monomer chains
Short term energy storage for animals inside liver and muscle cells.

26 c) CELLULOSE = Chains of beta glucose monomers
Every other glucose is upside down in the polymer Straight chain (fibers), never branched Cell walls of plants- structure only.

27 Figure 5.7x Starch and cellulose molecular models
 Glucose  Glucose Cellulose Starch

28 Why do animals have difficulty digesting cellulose?
Animals lack the necessary enzyme to break the Beta linkages Cows overcame this problem by harboring bacteria that can break down cellulose.

29 Figure 5.x1 Cellulose digestion: termite and Trichonympha
Termites can do it to because of a symbiotic relationship with this kind of protazoan…. Trichonympha.

30 d) CHITIN Similar to cellulose (also contains N)
Used in cell walls of fungi and in the exoskeletons of arthropods like: - insects - spiders - scorpions - lobsters, shrimp

31 “chitin is excitin’! “

32 LIPIDS Contain the elements:C, H, O Properites:
Little or no affinity for water (hydrophobic) Consist mostly of hydrocarbons and some polar bonds with oxygen. Smaller than true macromolecules (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates)

33 1. Fats and Oils One molecule of fat is made of: - glycerol
- fatty acids Triglyceride = - three fatty acids - one glycerol

34 long hydro-carbon chains are why fats are hydrophobic! nonpolar GLYCEROL STRUCTURE Alcohol 3 carbon’s each w/ hydroxyl grp. FATTY ACID STRUCTURE Acid Long carbon skeleton (16-18 C’s long) carboxyl grp. at one end

35 Figure 5.11 Examples of saturated and unsaturated fats and fatty acids
No double bonds between carbon atoms. Hydrogen bonded as much as possible onto the carbon skeleton. “Saturated with hydrogens” = SATURATED FAT

36 Figure 5.11 Examples of saturated and unsaturated fats and fatty acids
Double bonds exist between carbon atoms. Formed by the removal of hydrogen from the carbon skeleton. “Not saturated with hydrogens” = UNSATURATED FAT

Saturated Fats BAD Solid at room temp Animal fats Unsaturated Fats GOOD Liquid at room temp Plant & Fish fats

38 Diets rich in saturated fats contribute to Atherosclerosis-
Cardiovascular disease Plaques develop inside blood vessels blocking flow and making them inelastic. heart attack, stroke,thrombosis

39 why are fats perfect for storage and energy?
They are LIGHT! Which is important for animals & seeds. 1 gram of fat stores more than twice as much energy as a gram of polysaccharide.

40 2. PHOSPHOLIPIDS The main component of cell membranes.
Are comprised of : a) two fatty acids b) glycerol c) phosphate group (negative) & various attachments glycerol/phosphate is the “HEAD” two fatty acids are the “TAILS”

41 Phospholipid’s Key property:
Ambivalent towards water. When placed in water they self assemble into clusters that shield the hydrophobic tails from the water. - micelle - phospholipid bilayer - coacervates

42 3. STEROIDS Basic structure: four fused rings.
Vary in the functional groups attached to the rings.

43 EXAMPLES: A. CHOLESTEROL 1) Component of animal cell membranes.
2) Precursor to other steroids sex hormones: B. ESTROGEN C. PROGESTERONE D. TESTOSTERONE stress hormone: E. Cortisol F. ANABOLIC steroids- Ex. TESTOSTERONE promotes muscle growth and development

44 End. (part 1)

45 PROTEINS Contain the elements: C,H,N,O
The building blocks are: AMINO ACIDS. Account for > 50% of the dry weight of most cells. Proteios, “first place” Fun fact:You should eat 9 grams of protein for every 20 pounds of body weight.

46 Protein functions: Structural support Storage Transport of substances
Keratin, collagen, cytoskeleton of cells Storage ex. albumin of egg whites store amino acids Transport of substances Membrane tunnels Signaling Hormones like insulin, oxytocin, glucagon Movement Contractile proteins like actin and DEFENSE Ex. Antibodies SARCOMERE functional unit of a muscle cell… made of Actin and Myosin proteins

47 ENZYMES Biological molecules that catalyze (increase the rates of) chemical reactions. The set of enzymes made in a cell determines the metabolic pathways that will occur there.

48 AMINO ACID STRUCTURE asymmetric carbon Amino group Carboxyl group
Hydrogen atom R group (variable) - side chain - 20 different ones - Polar, nonpolar, acidic, or basic

49 1.Proteins are POLYPEPTIDES
The peptide bond: Covalent bond between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another Formed by a condensation rxn.

50 Proteins have an amino (NH2) end and a carboxyl (COOH) end, and consist of a linear sequence of amino acids connected by the formation of peptide bonds by dehydration synthesis between the amino and carboxyl groups of adjacent monomers.

51 2. SHAPES OF PROTEINS The specific order of amino acids in a polypeptide (primary structure) interacts with the environment to determine the overall shape of the protein, which also involves secondary tertiary and quaternary structure and, thus, its function. The four levels of protein structure.

52 2. SHAPES OF PROTEINS PRIMARY STRUCTURE- unique sequence of amino acids (like the order of letters in a very long word) SECONDARY STRUCTURE- coiled and folded patterns due to hydrogen bonds. Occurs between atoms attached to the backbone- but not R group. 1) a-helix- coil held by hydrogen bonding between every 4th amino acid. Ex) keratin 2) B-pleated sheet- cross-linkage between two or more regions that lie parallel to each other. Ex) silk


54 C. TERTIARY STRUCTURE irregular contortions from interactions between R-groups (side chains) 1) hydrophobic/ van der waals interactions (nonpolar R-groups) 2) hydrogen bonding (polar R-groups) 3) disulfide bridge (s-s, from -SH R-groups) 4) ionic bonding (+ & -)

55 TERTIARY STRUCTURE The R group of an amino acid can be categorized by chemical properties: hydrophobic hydrophilic and ionic. and the interactions of these R groups determine structure and function of that region of the protein.

1) Triple Helix- three alpha helixes ex. Collagen… rope-like 2) Globular- two or more polypeptide chains ex. Hemoglobin… a & B chains


58 Figure 5.24 Review: the four levels of protein structure

59 What happens when a protein becomes denatured?
It loses its native conformation. Is thus… biologically inactive. ENVIRONMENT: pH, salt concentration, high temperature, can unravel the protein. Yes, proteins can become “renatured”.

60 Table 5.2 Polypeptide Sequence as Evidence for Evolutionary Relationships

DNA molecule is comprised of a series of nucleotides that can be linked together in various sequences; the resulting polymer carries hereditary material for the cell, including information that controls cellular activities.

62 Q: What is a double helix?
A: two polynucleotides that spiral around an imaginary axis. Double stranded. Q: What holds the double helix together? A: hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases hold the 2 strands together. Q: What are base pairs? A: bases that are compatible w/ e/o… that hydrogen bond to eachother. 1) Adenine - Thymine (2 H bonds) 2) Guanine - Cytosine (3 H bonds)

63 James Watson and Francis Crick
Rosalind Franklin

64 DNA Unit of heredity. Enables living things to reproduce their components from generation to generation. Directs protein synthesis. NUCLEOTIDE is the chemical building block 5 carbon sugar: deoxyribose Phosphate group Nitrogen bases 1. Adenine, Guanine (purines: 2 rings) 2. Cytosine, Thymine (pyrimidines: 1 ring)

65 Figure 5.29 The components of nucleic acids

66 Figure 5.30 The DNA double helix and its replication
DNA is self-replicating Complementary base pairing makes the precise copying of DNA possible.

67 2. RNA * Molecules that function in the synthesis of proteins!
5 carbon sugar: RIBOSE Phosphate group Nitrogenous bases 1. Adenine, Guanine 2. Cytosine, URACIL * RNA is a single stranded molecule!


69 W/ your Partner Compare and contrast DNA with RNA in terms of: 1) Structure 2) Function 3) Evolutionary Relationships


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