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The Territorial Dimension in the legislative proposals for cohesion policy 2014-2020 Zsolt SZOKOLAI Policy Analyst, Urban development and territorial cohesion.

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Presentation on theme: "The Territorial Dimension in the legislative proposals for cohesion policy 2014-2020 Zsolt SZOKOLAI Policy Analyst, Urban development and territorial cohesion."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Territorial Dimension in the legislative proposals for cohesion policy 2014-2020 Zsolt SZOKOLAI Policy Analyst, Urban development and territorial cohesion European Commission DG for Regional Policy

2 Overview 1.Aims, cornerstones, state of play 2.Urban investment priorities 3.Sustainable urban dimension and ITI 4.Urban innovative actions 5.Urban development platform 6.Community-led local development 7.Reinforced strategic and integrated programming

3 1. Aims and overview of new instruments

4 Strengthening the urban dimension Concentration on EU priorities – Europe 2020 strategy Reinforcing territorial cohesion (new Treaty objective) Keeping the urban dimension in the mainstream, but improving it: ─ Enhancing the integrated approach ─ Better involvement of cities ─ Reintroduction of an experimental strand

5 Cities and urban areas benefiting from cohesion policy investments and instruments Urban development platform Urban innovative actions (0,2% of ERDF at EU level) ITI delegated to cities (minimum 5% of ERDF of each Member State) Integrated and sectoral investments:  Thematic objectives, (urban) investment priorities  Community-led local development  Financial instruments (revolving funds)  Territorial cooperation

6 2. Urban investment priorities Article 5 ERDF regulation

7 Investment priorities of the ERDF  Contributing to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth  Concentration on 11 thematic objectives (  Priority axes in OP)  Support of different investment priorities, amongst which: ─Objective 4 – Shift towards low-carbon economy in all sectors: (e) Promoting low-carbon strategies for urban areas ─Objective 6 – Protecting the environment: (e) Improve the urban environment ─Objective 7 – Promoting sustainable transport: (c) promoting sustainable urban mobility ─Objective 9 – Promoting social inclusion: (b) Support for physical and economic regeneration of deprived urban communities

8 3. Sustainable urban development and integrated territorial investments (ITI) Article 7 ERDF regulation (recital 7) Article 99 CPR (recital 21, 65)

9 Why ITI for sustainable urban development? Sustainable urban development requires a whole bundle of integrated measures Different measures will need to be supported under different thematic objectives und priorities Funding programmes should mark and bundle the necessary resources for such integrated measures

10 ITI – how does it work?  Bundling funding from different priority axes and programmes (e.g. ERDF and ESF)  For an integrated territorial/urban development strategy  For a specific target area at the appropriate territorial scale  e.g. at the level of neighbourhoods, cities, city-regions, metropolitan areas, rural areas, functional areas  Possible delegation of the management to intermediate bodies, including local authorities  „Mini-programme“ for integrated, multi-dimensional measures

11 Smart growth Research & Innovation ICT SME Sustainable growth Low-carbon economy Resource efficiency Risk prevention Sustainable transport Inclusive growth Employment Social inclusion Combating poverty Education Concentration on Europe 2020 objectives Thematic dimension: Territorial dimension: Deprived urban areas and neighbourhoods Cities and urban areas City-regions, metropolitan areas Integrated strategies and measures Rural areas, etc. Entry point for programming: ITIITI Governance mechanism:

12 Urban dimension: Member States should earmark at least 5% of ERDF- resources for ITI with management delegated to cities (also partly, depending on administrative structure and capacity) List of cities in Partnership Contracts and OPs For comparison (2007-2013):  Urban dimension (Art. 8 ERDF regulation) not compulsory and often hardly visible  ERDF-resources programmed for urban priority axes only 3% on EU average  Mainly sectoral investments (esp. in new Member States)  Little involvement of cities

13 Regional ERDF OP National/sectoral ERDF OP ESF OP CF OP Sustainable urban development and ITI ITIITI City 3  Example: Member State A Total allocation for ITI at least 5% of Member State’s ERDF, delegated to cities + additional resources from ESF und CF where appropriate City 1 City 2 City 3  City 20

14 4. Urban innovative actions Article 84 par. 7 CPR Article 9 ERDF regulation (recital 9 und 12)

15 Urban innovative actions Up to 0.2% of the total ERDF allocation (at EU level) = ca. 370 Mio. € (2014-2020) To promote innovative and experimental approaches and solutions in the field of sustainable urban development Possible for all thematic objectives of cohesion policy For example: forward-looking and cutting-edge studies, pilot projects and demonstration projects of EU interest (innovative character, transferability)

16 Management of innovative actions Direct management by the European Commission Europe wide competition (calls for proposals) Based on previous experiences: ─ Urban pilot projects (1990-1993 and 1997-1999) ─ Regional programmes for innovative actions (2000-2006)  Delegated act of the European Commission for selection process and implementation

17 5. Urban development platform Article 14 (b) CPR Article 8 ERDF regulation (recital 8 und 13)

18 Aims and conception Promoting the practical implementation of the urban dimension in direct dialogue with cities No project funding! Exchange of experience and capacity building (e.g. conferences, working groups for specific issues, best practice, etc.) Target group: Cities managing and implementing ITI (see lists in Partnership Contracts) Cities implementing urban innovative actions  Laboratory for new cohesion policy instruments  No overlap with URBACT, CoR, Eurocities, etc.

19 6. Community-led local development Article 28-31 CPR (recital 21)

20 Local development „bottom-up“ Based on the LEADER approach (EARDF) Support from all 5 Funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, EARDF, EMFF) Support for integrated local development strategies Designed and implemented by the local community (local action groups) Partners from public and private sector, civil society, etc. Tasks: capacity building, calls for proposals, transparent project selection, monitoring the implementation of the strategy Neither public sector nor any interest group to represent more than 49% of voting rights!

21 7. Reinforced strategic and integrated programming Article 11, 14, 87 CPR (recital 9, 14, 15, 21, 65)

22 Common Strategic Framework (CSF)  For all 5 Funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, EARDF, EMFF)  Setting out key actions to be supported by each CSF Fund  Setting out key territorial challenges (including urban) Partnership Contracts  For all 5 Funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, EARDF, EMFF)  Setting out an integrated approach to territorial development  Arrangements for sustainable urban development (list of cities) Operational Programmes  Setting out detailed allocations for thematic objectives (priority axes)  Setting out the contribution to the integrated approach for territorial development  Arrangements for sustainable urban development (ITI delegated to cities, list of cities) Reinforced partnership  Need to involve local and regional authorities in the programme management

23 Thank you very much for your attention!

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