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The Reformation Period Martin Luther John Calvin King Henry VIII.

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1 The Reformation Period Martin Luther John Calvin King Henry VIII

2 What led to the Reformation? The issue of indulgences: What are indulgences: The reduction or elimination of temporal punishment for sins confessed and forgiven in the sacrament of reconciliation. Why was its use allowed? To collect money to build St. Peter’s basilica in Rome What was the problem with the use/abuse of indulgences? Important church leaders used the money to cover personal needs Such as Prince Archbishop Albert who used it for his own benefit because he owned money

3 Life after death The places: heaven, hell, purgatory Purgatory means cleansing Indulgences were sold with the idea that people would be spending less time in purgatory Plenary indulgences were also sold – A plenary indulgence removes all temporal punishment due to sin Some of the money was also used for the building of St. Peter’s basilica

4 “Reform the Church” Martin Luther was a Catholic priest Belonged to an Augustinian religious order Wrote the 95 Thesis – was a letter, written respectfully to Prince Archbishop Albert – Criticizes misunderstanding caused by indulgences, Simony, Corruption in mid- level clergy, etc. Translated the bible into German

5 Pope Leo X – Wrote Exgurge Domine A document excommunicating Martin Luther from the church

6 Diet of Worms A gathering to put Luther in trial and make him repent for what he wrote

7 After the Diet of Worms and the excommunication of Luther, the Peasants’ revolt occurred. – Series of uprisings by German peasants against their landowner – However, Luther did not agree with the Peasants’ revolt because the peasants abuse the revolts to create more chaos

8 A new movement emerged Protestantism emerged Protestant means one who protests Non-Lutheran churches were called Reformed churches

9 Martin Luther’s teachings Sola scriptura – Means scripture alone – It affirms that whatever is needed for salvation is found in the Bible Faith alone is necessary for salvation Justification by faith – Means that faith in God/Christ justifies/saves us by being in grace with God/Christ – There is nothing we can do or buy to be saved

10 Peace of Augsburg Was a decree indicating that the prince or king of each state could select either Catholicism or Lutheranism as the official religion for his territory

11 Reformation period Refers to the series of events such as the issue of selling indulgences – that led the church of the West (Rome) to break into different denominations Western schism

12 Western Schism Christianity Western Churches Eastern Churches Roman Protestant:Non-Traditional:Orthodox: Non-Orthodox: Catholic Lutheran MormonGreekArmenian Anglican Christian ScienceRussianCoptic Calvinist Jehovah’s witnessesSerbianEthiopian Sectarian: African IndependentOtherNestorian Baptist UnitarianOther Methodist Unity Quaker Unification Pentecostal Other other

13 Other Reformers John CalvinKing Henry VIII

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