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1 GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TRENDS: Future Sustainable Livelihood Leading R&D & Innovation fields in the 21 st Century: Agricultural Technologies & Industries.

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Presentation on theme: "1 GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TRENDS: Future Sustainable Livelihood Leading R&D & Innovation fields in the 21 st Century: Agricultural Technologies & Industries."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 GLOBAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TRENDS: Future Sustainable Livelihood Leading R&D & Innovation fields in the 21 st Century: Agricultural Technologies & Industries (i.e., Seed Research & Development) Science of Climate Change & Adaptation Life & Health Sciences Earth System Science (+ resources, e.g., water & minerals) Energy Resources (i.e., Renewable Energies & Coal) Space Science & Technologies Information and Communication Technologies Biotechnologies & Nanotechnologies (e.g., Food & Nutrition, Health and Energy)

2 2 Benefits & Challenges: Climate Change & Adaptation GHGs changing due to Human Activities: since pre-Industrial Era (~ 1750) CO2 by 30% CH4 by over 100% N2O by 15% concentrations are higher now than any time during the last 420,000 yrs

3 3 Benefits & Challenges: Climate Change & Adaptation Global Warming & its consequences Atmospheric temperature changes Rainfall Patterns (Floods & Droughts) Atmospheric Pollution Water Resources Water Pollution and Sanitation Ocean Basins and Coastlines (i.e., sea-level changes & ocean acidification) Land Degradation Biodiversity Loss Health problems, e.g. infectious diseases Resilience for Renewable Energies Resilience for Food Systems

4 4 Benefits & Challenges: CLIMATE CHANGE & ADAPTATION DRASTIC GLOBAL TEMPERATURE CHANGES ca. 250 Ma ago: Mass Extinction (85% of all organisms) Glaciation of the Gondwanaland ca 65 Ma: Extinction of the Dinosaurs Temperatures Changes? Asteroids & Comets (Near- Earth Objects)? 20-30% of Plant and Animal species have an increased risk of extinction with projected Global Average Temperatures exceeding 1.5 – 2.5°C (Earth System Science Education & Research) Multi-&Inter-Disciplinary Approach

5 5 Environment: ENERGY Alternative Energy Resources for the Global Society Classical/Primary sources: Oil Natural Gas Coal Nuclear Hydro-power Other major sources: Solar Wind Geothermal Bio-Energies Rotting Garbage: Gas>Electricity Ocean (a) waves/tides (b) hydrocarbons on the sea-bed Hydrogen

6 6 Environment: CLEAN ENERGY FROM GARBAGE Each Year the WORLD produces more than 1.6 billion tons of waste Increased Research & Development on: this type of Renewable Clean Energy: The Extraction of GAS from Rotting Garbage to be converted into ELECTRICITY

7 7 Environment: WATER Clean & Safe Drinking Water for All About 40% of the African population has NO access to safe and clean drinking WATER About 50% of the African population lives in POOR SANITATION conditions Life Expectance at Birth: ca.45 years

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