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Preventing Communicable Diseases

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1 Preventing Communicable Diseases
Immune System – a network of cells, tissues, organs, and chemicals that fight pathogens. First line of Defense- Physical and Chemical: skin, mucous membranes, cilia enzymes in tears, saliva, gastric juices

2 Inflammatory Response
A reaction to tissue damage caused by injury or infection. (hot, swollen, red, painful) Release of Phagocytes – a white blood cell that attacks invading pathogens. (Pus- a collection of dead white blood cells and damaged tissues) Repair now begins at injured site.

3 Specific Defenses When certain pathogens enter the body, the body’s immune response will recognize this pathogen and send out specific antigens- a substance that is capable of triggering an immune response. This response is what we call immunity – the state of being protected against a certain disease.

4 Battling Specific Diseases
Lymphocyte- a specialized white blood cell that coordinates and performs many of the functions of specific immunity. Two Types – “T” cells and “B” cells (Helper “T” cells, Killer “T” cells, Suppressor “T” cells) “B” cells produce antibodies – a protein that acts against a specific antigen. An antibody will either mark a cell for destruction, destroy the antigen or block the virus from entering the body.

5 Memory Lymphocytes Some “B” and “T” cells actually have a memory and circulate through the body looking for “bad” invaders who have been there before- if found, they begin the attack to prevent illnesses. Active immunity- developed by your body Artificial immunity- vaccine- a preparation of dead or weakened pathogens that are introduced into the body to stimulate an immune response.

6 Vaccines Live virus vaccines – made from pathogens grown under special lab conditions to make them lose most of their disease causing properties. (measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox) Killed virus vaccines – inactivated pathogens. Still cause an immune response and antibodies are produced. (flu shots, polio, rabies, hepatitis A) Toxoids – inactivated toxins from pathogens (tetanus, diptheria) used to stimulate production of antibodies. New and second generation vaccines- developed by scientists using new technologies. (hepatitus B)

7 Common Communicable Diseases
Respiratory Infections (URI) most caused by viruses and bacteria avoid contact with infected people smoking can reduce chances of fighting uri’s Common Cold- runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, headache Influenza- fever, chills, dry cough, joint pain, runny nose, sore throat, extreme fatigue Pneumonia- an infection of the lungs in which the air sacs fill with pus and other liquids.

8 Strep Throat –(bacterial infection) sore throat, fever, enlarged lymph nodes. Treated with antibiotics. Tuberculosis – (Bacterial) attacks the lungs. fatigue, coughing (blood), fever, night sweats, and weight loss. Hepatitis- inflammation of the liver. Caused by chemicals and many other pathogens. No cure – but vaccines for A and B. “A” – spread through contact with feces of an infected person. Not washing hands properly before handling objects or food. Jaundice- yellowing of skin and eyes. “B” – more serious than “A”. Found in most bodily fluids, especially blood. Transmitted sexually. Drug use, piercings, tatoos, etc. “C” – most common, transmitted by direct contact with infected blood.

9 Other Common Diseases Mononucleosis- virus, spread by direct contact sharing utensils, kissing- “kissing disease”. Chills, fever, sore throat, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes. Measles – virus, spread by coughs, sneeze, close contact-highly contagious. Fever, red eyes, runny nose, cough, bumpy red rash. Encephalitis – virus, transmitted by mosquitoes. Causing swelling of the brain. Headaches, fever, hallucinations, confusion, paralysis. Meningitis – Virus or bacteria cause inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain. Fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck

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