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Imperialism & Nationalism Political Systems Conflict Human Rights Geography & Belief Systems 100 200 300 400 500.

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1 Imperialism & Nationalism Political Systems Conflict Human Rights Geography & Belief Systems 100 200 300 400 500

2 Why did Great Britain want colonies in India? Raw Materials or New Markets for Trade

3 Ho Chi Minh was the nationalistic leader of what country? Vietnam (North)

4 What did the Balfour Declaration state? Great Britain’s promise to give Jews a homeland in Palestine.

5 What lasting effects of colonialism still plague Africa today? Tribalism, Civil Wars & Power Struggles with National Governments

6 To stop the wave of nationalist feelings that threatened the peace after the Napoleonic Wars, European leaders met to discuss plans to maintain the status quo. This meeting was called______? The Congress of Vienna

7 What government would Enlightenment thinkers Voltaire and John Locke support? Democracy

8 Name two places that thinkers of the Enlightenment led to revolutions? Great Britain, France, Latin America & The United States

9 What is absolutism? A system of government with a single ruler who has complete control.

10 Name two characteristics of a communist government Nationalism, terror and secret police, absolute government & censorship

11 What is extraterritoriality? A policy that made European citizens subject to their own laws in China

12 The Communist Revolution in Russia was led by who? Vladimir Lenin

13 What countries made up the Allies in World War II? The Axis Powers? Allies, Britain, France, Soviet Union and United States Axis, Germany, Italy and Japan

14 What was the Iron Curtain? The division in Europe between Democracies and Soviet controlled countries

15 Name two major conflicts resulting from Cold War tensions. Korean War, Vietnam War and Soviet/Afghanistan War

16 Name three causes of social conflict during the Industrial Revolution? Gap between rich and poor, poor housing, working conditions, low wages.

17 What is apartheid? A policy of racial segregation in South Africa

18 The lowest caste in India faces the worst discrimination. What is the lowest caste? The Untouchables

19 What is ethnic cleansing? Removal of a ethnic group by genocide, terror, or forced expulsion.

20 In many countries when did women gain the right to vote? The late 19 th and early 20 th centuries

21 What massacre in India in the early 20th century became a focal point for the independence movement? Amritsar Massacre

22 Which two religious groups have fought over territory in India? Hindus and Muslims

23 Japan became a militaristic country before WWII. This island nation’s major economic problem has been the lack of Raw materials or Natural Resources

24 What strategic waterway connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas? Suez Canal

25 Which of these nations is located closest to the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia? Korea Vietnam New Zealand Pakistan Vietnam

26 What major environmental problem affects Latin America Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia? Deforestation

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