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Lancashire One to One Tuition: Briefings for Head Teachers and LA Teams Head Teachers and Tuition Leads Elm Room Woodlands October 4 th 2010 Hilary King:

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Presentation on theme: "Lancashire One to One Tuition: Briefings for Head Teachers and LA Teams Head Teachers and Tuition Leads Elm Room Woodlands October 4 th 2010 Hilary King:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lancashire One to One Tuition: Briefings for Head Teachers and LA Teams Head Teachers and Tuition Leads Elm Room Woodlands October 4 th 2010 Hilary King: One to One Project Lead, Lancashire.

2 Agenda IntroductionHilary King Case Studies Alison CallonHead of Clitheroe Pendle Primary Schoool Elaine HilaryAHT and Tuition Lead Rhyddings BEC On callDebbie Wilkinson from the One to One Support Team

3 A Reminder One-to-One Tuition There are some children who, despite all best efforts, do not make the progress they need in a small group or whole-class setting. Without an individualised approach it may be hard for these children to make the progress needed to achieve their full potential. To support the needs of this group the DfE has been trialling the use of one-to-one tuition for pupils falling behind in English and/or mathematics as part of the Making Good Progress pilot. From 2009, one-to-one tuition has been rolled out on a national basis to pupils in Key Stage 2, 3 (and in National Challenge schools in Key Stage 4).

4 Who Receives It? The target cohort will comprise students in Key Stages 2, 3 [and 4 in National Challenge Schools], who entered the key stage below age related expectations:- students who have not made the appropriate progress in a key stage; students who are disadvantaged and vulnerable e.g. looked after children and children who are unable to afford extra one to one tuition. Nearly all schools are involved in this initiative. The funding is ring-fenced. Schools receiving money to provide one-to-one tuition places need to ensure that they can provide evidence that this money has been used to fund the appropriate number of tuition places. Schools will also be expected to demonstrate the progress made by pupils as a result of the tuition they have received. Lancashire will offer every possible support to schools in achieving this.

5 To date in Lancashire Over 7000 places have been offered and taken up by Lancashire schools since the Early Roll Out in January 2009 We have had very few refusals and returns and huge appreciation and recognition, both quantitative and qualitative, of the gains made in achievement In 2010-11 nearly 14,000 places have been offered What next in 2011?

6 Quotes from Head Teachers ‘The children grew in confidence and our internal data shows that 2 out of the 3 moved up a sub level in the short time they were tutored.’ The pupils' confidence increased enormously during the 1:1 tuition. The children were much more confident and motivated when back in class, they were more willing to answer questions and get involved’. ‘Huge rise in confidence particularly in maths and attitudes to learning had been raised in all areas.’

7 Allocation Criteria We used a series of indicators to determine places. They comprised FSM, A*-C trends in English and mathematics, CVA, trends in low levels of entry in each subject, IMD, levels of progress in English and maths between KS1-4 A minimum place allocation has been given to every school to allow for LAC and vulnerable children.

8 Funding In Lancashire we have been allocated £5.6M for One to One Tuition in 2010 -11. (KS2, KS3, KS4 in National Challenge Schools). We have 7355 places at KS2, 5788 places at KS3 and 612 places at KS4, (funded at £375 per place - which represents 10 hours tuition + 2 extra hours pay for the tutor for liaison/planning/training @ £25.58 per hour + £4 on-costs. Schools receive £20.00 per place to fund the liaison between teacher and tutor.).

9 Finding and Paying a Tutor In school time Outside school hours HR Advice LA Support –Lancashire databaseLancashire database –Agencies

10 DCSF Data Base It is a requirement of the grant to schools that the database is filled in It is checked regularly We have to predict the take up of tuition in the 3 terms and assume your E and M weighting Funding will be withdrawn if the database lags behind trajectory---see action plan

11 Please login with your school’s username and password. They are the same as those used to access the Key to Success, S2S and DCSF Data Collection sites. If you don’t have or cannot find your username and password please call the Lancashire Professional Support Team Helpdesk on 01772 531555 or the DCSF Data Collection Helpdesk on 01325 392626.

12 What Support is Available Steering Group Senior Advisers Advisers and SIPs and Heads of Virtual Schools for LAC and GRT Project Lead and a dedicated support team-- front line support First year Evaluations and Experiences Website and moodle DCSF Toolkit e.g. Organising Delivery in your School booklet

13 continued Support with tutor recruitment Support for tutors in induction and on- going training Networks for Tuition Leads and Tutors QA processes LA Action Plan

14 Planning and teaching for progression Assessment & Pupil Tracking Progress for all Wider intervention One to one Tuition Progression Targets Quality First Teaching Tuition – the wider context

15 The parameters for 1:1 tuition One to one 10 hours (plus funding for 2 hours liaison/planning/training) Suggested minimum of one hour per session – though can be flexed, for example to fit in with lesson periods Delivered by a qualified tutor Based on targets agreed between class teacher, tutor and pupil Not a replacement for other intervention strategies Can be delivered within or outside the school day

16 Selection Criteria Pupils who entered the key stage below age related expectations Pupils who are falling behind trajectory during the latter stages of a key stage Looked after children who would particularly benefit from this support: * This selection must not exclude pupils because they are considered harder to reach and/or are considered to have behaviour issues.

17 Who can benefit from one-to- one tuition? Pupils: who have been taught a skill but have failed to secure it who have difficulty grasping a concept and transferring it into practice whose learning has been hampered by a previous misconception new to English, those with a limited vocabulary or who have not had much opportunity to participate in sustained talk or reading

18 Pupil voice What do I want from my tutor and tuition? Find out a bit about me first. Because then you know what I’m like.

19 Pupil voice What do I need?...ask me what I struggle with and give me more help on that… so I can catch up with the others… …give me constant updates on my targets and tell me what I can do to meet them and when I complete them…

20 Tutor’s voice What makes tuition effective? As it’s one to one you can personalise it and arrange lessons around their interests. You can focus around hobbies. It is about getting them motivated.

21 Teacher voice How do pupils respond to tuition? These are not normally very engaged children but they voluntarily come back to school after the day has finished; they have even been at home for an hour and still come back. They have made a real commitment and that is not because the parents tell them to.

22 Parental voice What does tuition mean to my child? My child was quite happy with his tuition. I was more than happy; a brilliant programme. The teacher kept me informed of the progress, very professional. One to one tuition in any subject can only improve a child’s knowledge and confidence – well.

23 Pupil voice What works for me? You get a good amount of time to consider and get to grips with one thing without pressure… It’s fun... We do fun things like writing to Man U and Girls Aloud. Don’t tell me the answer if I get stuck because that is just like cheating. Just advise me... But every now and then there has to be something serious to make sure I’m making progress

24 School systems and structures What do you need to tell your tutors about? Spelling, calculation and handwriting policies Rewards and sanctions Safeguarding guidance Disclosure policy Information re Looked After Children Key contact in school and how to get in touch out of school hours

25 Plenary Any questions remaining?

26 And finally ……. If you don’t understand something, you know there’s one teacher just for you

27 Key Messages One-to-One tuition: it must be one-to-one and not small group tuition Suggested minimum tuition time of one hour per session for 10 sessions Tuition must be delivered by tutors with QTS, (ITT Teachers in the third term) Tuition sessions should reflect the discussions held between the class teacher and the tutor and curricular targets for an individual pupil One-to-One tuition should not replace other more appropriate interventions Schools will be expected to provide data on the progress made by pupils accessing one-to-one tuition, collected by UPN Funding for one-to-one tuition is ring-fenced Funding has been confirmed for 2010-2011. This will be £5.6 million. You can expect a doubling of places in most cases, depending upon the identification criteria.

28 Useful contacts ng/schoolstandards/mgppilot/onetoone/ ng/schoolstandards/mgppilot/onetoone/ aspx

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