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Bullying How can we stop it?.

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying How can we stop it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying How can we stop it?

2 What can you do? Respect other people
Apologize if you think you hurt someone Stand up for kids who are bullied Tell an adult you trust if you or someone you know is getting bullied

3 Victims Develop Responses
Low self-esteem Trust issues Anger issues Isolation

4 Cyber Bullying 58% of kids 4th-8th grade have been bullied online
53% of kids have bullied someone else Girls are more likely to get bullied online than guys are One of the biggest ways of cyber bullying is taking someone's password and posting rumors, embarrassing things, and photoshopped pictures on their wall 60% of kids do not tell their parents about being bullied

5 Bullying statistics 160,000 kids miss school in fear of being bullied
Every seven minutes a child is bullied 85% of the time no one tries to stop it 11% another student tries to stop it 4% a teacher or adult stops it School bullying and cyber bullying contribute to violence in kids

6 Bullying Statistics Contiued
20% of high schoolers considered suicide due to bullying Bullies are 6 times more likely to go to jail About 66% of kids who are bullied become bullies later in life

7 What to do if you are bullied
Ignore the bully Hang around friends who will stick up for you Be confident-bullies usually pick on kids they think are weaker than them Tell someone you trust Steer clear of the bully

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