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Geomedicine Geology Health & Disease. Countries with Universal Health Care.

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1 Geomedicine Geology Health & Disease

2 Countries with Universal Health Care

3 Objectives Understand the basic principles of geomedicine Understand the connections between trace elements, geology, and health Understand cases in which connections are less clear Understand further complicating factors

4 Trace Elements Definition: A chemical element required in minute quantities by an organism to maintain proper physical functioning. Earth’s crust is composed of only a few major elements; so, too, are organisms. More than 99% of the human body is made of six elements.

5 Oxygen 61 Carbon 23 Hydrogen 10 Nitrogen 2.6 Calcium 1.4 Phosphorus 1.1 Total 99.1 Principal Chemical Constituents of the Human Body* Element Percentage of Body Weight Source: R.M. Parr,.Trace Elements in Human Milk,. International Atomic Energy Agency Bulletin 25, 2 (1983): 8. *All other elements.led by sulfur, potassium, sodium, and chlorine.make up the other 0.9 percent of the body. ~85% of the human brain is water ~70% of babies are water ~60% of adult men are water ~55% of adult women are water

6 Essential Trace Elements

7 Dose-Response Curves positive or negative effects of a trace element are plotted as a function of dosage

8 Dose-Reponse (cont.) Some elements have no effect in low concentrations, but can be toxic or fatal at high concentrations (i.e. lead, mercury) Other elements may be needed to avoid deficiency, but benefits only increase up to a point (i.e. calcium – hard to OD on!) Perhaps the most common scenario is when small amounts of an element are necessary for optimal health, but large amounts are toxic or fatal (i.e. copper, molybdenum)

9 Geology, Trace Elements & Health The ultimate source of the body’s trace elements is the earth – rocks & minerals Concentrations vary by rock type and rock location Concentrations are modified by natural processes as well as deliberate and accidental human activities

10 Trace Element Pathways to the Human Body

11 Iodine Necessary for proper functioning of the thyroid glad All cells in the body need iodine for proper functioning All glands (thyroid, adrenal, etc.) especially need iodine for the production of hormones Lack of iodine leads to goiter

12 Fluorine Makes apatite (mineral in teeth) harder Added to many municipal water supplies Without Fluorine With Fluorine

13 Zinc Heavy metal A critical trace element nutrient Without zinc  dwarfism, dermatitis, loss of taste sensitivity, delay in the rate of wounds healing Dermatitis

14 Selenium Rare metal Lack of selenium causes abnormalities in many plants and animals In humans  cancers, malformation of nails and hair, depression, nervousness

15 Radon Odorless Invisible 2 nd leading cause of lung cancer in U.S. Radon test kits cost as low as $8.99

16 Cases in Which Connections Are Less Clear Radioactivity and Tobacco Regional Variations in Heart Disease Cardiovascular Disease in Georgia Other intriguing patterns

17 Regional Rates of Heart Disease in Europe

18 Further Complicating Factors Cause and Effect or Coincidence? Trace Element Interactions Distinguishing Risk From Risk Perceptions Impacts of Human Activities

19 Summary Geology bears on Human Health Geology bears on health of animals and plants Many effects are independent of human activities Geographic variation is often how some diseases are recognized Better understanding of the medical importance of naturally occurring trace elements could lead to the elimination of many instances of regionally chronic diseases

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